Books on Austria

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Ferdinand Raimunds sämtliche Werke in drei Teilen (in einem Band). Mit einer Einführung und Anmerkungen von Eduard Castle.

cxxvi 570p dark cloth with gilt title panel to spine, a fresh copy, with frontispiece, very good


Rede zur Feier des fünfzigjährigen Jubiläums des israelitischen Tempels in der innern Stadt Wien.


24p clean copy, removed from binding, well preserved, a few old pencil marks


Unsere Hoffnung. Monatsschrift für die reifere jüdische Jugend. Volume 1, No 7, Oktober 1904.
(No Author)


approx 30p cover detaching, with adverts, fragile item, paper breaking marginally, still complete, ...


Die österreichische Gesandtschaft in London (1701 - 1711). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Haager Allianz.

545p library rebound in plain brown cloth, tight and clean copy, no signs of use, well preserved, ...


Vertreibung der Vernunft. The Cultural Exodus from Austria. Second Revised and Enlarged Edition.

391p 148p oversized hardback, black laminated boards, many illustrations, binding tight, no names ...


Dionysian Art and Populist Politics in Austria.


x 269p hardback, green dustjacket well preserved, name in ink to prelims, excellent fresh copy but ...


Memoirs of Alexander Spitzmüller, Freiherr von Harmersbach (1862 - 1953)

xii 327p original dark cloth binding fresh and tight, light library markings, with illustrations, a ...


Harlekin. Eine Ausstellung im Österreichischen Theatermuseum.

68p large format paperback, white illustrated cover, light library markings, uncommon title with ...


202p white paperback, fresh and clean copy, very good, no names or traces of use, a square copy


154p oblong format paperback, tight and clean copy, private shelfmark to spine, very well ...


Leitfaden zur Strassenverkehrsordnung 1960 StVO 1960. Gültig ab 1. Jänner 1961.


64p stapled booklet, black cover, a very fresh and well illustrated pamphlet, with name stamp to ...


Hints to Business Men: Austria.

48p stapled paperback, purple cover, a fresh clean and tight copy, very good indeed, with period ...


Hints to Business Men: Zambia.

56p stapled paperback, purple cover, includes map, amendment loosely inserted, fresh clean and ...


Hints to Business Men: Kenya.

48p stapled paperback, purple cover, includes map, amendment loosely inserted and carefully marked ...


Hints to Business Men Visiting Austria.

48p stapled paperback, light blue cover, map in the back, five amendments loosely inserted, fresh ...


Mazzarino e Anna d'Austria.


139p small format paperback with portait to front and red rule, a fresh and clean copy, binding ...


This is a large and heavy hardback volume in gilt dustjacket, this copy still shrink-wrapped, new ...


Principi e Artisti. Mecenatismo e Ideologia alla Corte degli Asburgo (1517 - 1633)

xxii 214p large paperback wth jacket, excellent copy, NEW, still shrinkwrapped, brand new



238p paperback, black & gilt cover with portrait, like new condition, no significant wear, binding ...


Austria: La fine e Dopo. (Nuova Corrente, No 79-80, 1979) Two Volumes.


pp 250 - 615, two green paperback volumes, second volume with water damage to top edge, text still ...




171p cream paperback with illustration to front cover, binding tight, hinges tight, spine sqaure ...


L'Austria e l'Europa. Saggi 1914 - 1928.

155p large format paperback, portrait to front, transparent jacket present, publisher's advert band ...


Das Gesamtwerk. Mit einem Nachwort von Jürgen Serke.


461p hardback, fresh dustjacket, clean copy, first edition, no stamps or names


Meine abenteuerlichen Schriften: Gedichte und Prosa 1965 - 1996.


183p hardback dustjacket, illustrations, as new


Melchior Striegel. Ein heroisch-episches Gedicht für Freunde der Freyheit und Gleichheit.

378p paperback with brown cover frame, reprint of the edition of 1799 with commentary and Nachwort, ...


Die Waffen der Publizität: Zum Funktionswandel der politischen Literatur unter Joseph II.

252p white paperback, excellent copy, as new, hard to find title, no names or stamps


Aloys Blumauer and the Literature of Austrian Enlightenment.

131p slim paperback, European flag to cover, text reproduced from typescript, a well preserved ...


Karl Kraus, Alfred Kubin (= Europe, Revue Littéraire Mensuelle, Number 1021, May 2014)

412p thick paperback, this is a special issue of Europe, with essays on Kraus and Kubin


Geraubte Bücher: Die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek stellt sich ihrer NS-Vergangenheit.

189p large format paperback, illustrated throughout, as new, excellent copy, without name or stramps


Journaux Intimes Viennois.

434p paperback with grey cover, white lettering, a fresh copy, no names or stamps, with author ...


Adolph Ritter von Tschabuschnigg (1809 - 1877). Literatur und Politik zwischen Vormärz und Neoabsolutismus.

354p fresh paperback, excellent clean copy, as new, no names or stamps, editor note inserted


Letterature del Danubio. (= Cultura Tedesca, No 40, 2011)


219p paperback, stemma to cover, fresh copy, collection of essays, as new: Mitteleuropa


Biedermeier in Österreich 1815 - 1848: Katalog zu einer Ausstellung des Bundesministeriums für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten.

97p large paperback, portrait to front, illustrated throughout, also in colour, very good copy, no ...


Wo der Weltkrieg begann und andere Denkmäler.


48p stapled booklet, "Bahnhof in Frankreich" on cover, well preserved, as new


Language and State Building: The Case of the Habsburg Monarchy.


24p offprint, no cover, as issued = Kann Memorial Lecture


Canetti. (= Cultura Tedesca, No 30, 2006)

190p paperback, portrait to cover, fresh copy, collection of essays, as new


Die literarische Zensur in Österreich von 1751 bis 1848.

528p large format hardback, laminated boards, excellent fresh copy, as new, no names or stamps


Elias Canetti: Londoner Symposium.

157p green card cover, paperback, clean and tight, very good


Karl Kraus in neuer Sicht: Londoner Kraus-Symposium.

254p red paperback, with plates, well preserved copy, = Sonderband der Kraus Hefte, uncommon title ...


Sprachrausch und Sprachverlust: Essays zur österreichischen Literatur von Hofmannsthal bis Mayröcker.

294p a well preserved paperback with black cover, half a dozen very few faint pencil marks to ...


Tagebücher 1915 bis 1927: Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Armin Wallas.

641p large format hardback, excellent copy, as new fresh dustjacket, with plates, never used, no ...


Saffo. Poema Tragico in cinque Atti. Riduzione dal tedesco in versi italiani e introduzione storico-critica di Vincenzo Errante.

175p burgundy hardback, fresh and tight copy, long introduction dated 1915, a well preserved copy ...


Der Aufstieg des Hauses Kaunitz. Studien zur Herkunft und Bildung des Staatskanzlers Wenzel Anton.

327p large paperback, ivory cover, fresh and clean copy, published review inserted, excellent


Österreicher im Exil. Grossbritannien 1938 - 1945. Eine Dokumentation.

xi 652p large and heavy paperback, brown card cover fresh, many plates in the back, a very well ...


Aus dem Windschatten. Studien und Aufsätze zur Geschichte der Literatur in Österreich.


432p large paperback, ivory cover with brown lettering, excellent copy, as new, tight and clean and ...


Displaying 1 to 50 (of 293 books)