Books on France

Click here to compile your own catalogue by any combination of subject terms.

The Pasteurization of France.

273p paperback, glossy pink and grey cover, good condition, spine sunned, binding intact, light ...


The Philosophes and Post-Revolutionary France. First Edition.


284p hardback, navy cloth with gilt lettering to spine, purple jacket, minimal wear, flap clipped ...


Les Fleurs du Mal. Illustations de Tony George-Roux, gravées par Ch. Clément.

313p paperback in a pretty bad state, binding very soft but still holding, front cover present, ...


Longmans' French Course. Part 1: Up to and Including the Regular Verbs.


110p brown cloth fresh with black lettering "L" monogram to back cover, neat copy, clean and tight, ...


380p large format hardback, plain contemporary green cloth with gilt lettering to spine, binding ...


Cara Svizzera. Cinque Lettere.


46p small neat paperback, scarlet cover in Swiss flag design, minimal wear to cover edges, a few ...


Paris Bistro Cookery / The Art of Simple French Cookery.


199p 157p two titles in one volume, blue / red dustjacket fresh, no names or stamps, nice copy, ...


Nouveau Paris Monumental, avec le Parcours du Métropolitain.
(No Author)


small format folder, bright red cloth with silver lettering, colour map well folded, booklet with ...


La Couturière Mystique de Paris. Presentation de Jean Guennou.


459p large paperback, fresh copy, very good, spine a little sunned


Prosateurs Contemporains: Contes et Récits. Par Paul Bourget, Henry Bordeaux, René Bazin, Henri de Régnier.


vii 78p 78ap plus 20p of apparatus with exercises and useful locutions, elaborately editorial ...


Mulberry Harbour, 1944 - 1994. (Supplement to New Civil Engineer)


36p magazine style supplement, A4 format, illustrated throughout, text in 4 columns, stapled, fresh ...


Cooking with Pomiane.

245p blue boards with red lettering to front and spine, a fresh and clean copy of the first ...


L'Enfance de Jean-Christophe. A Selection from 'L'Aube' by Romain Rolland.

60p small neat booklet, nice scarlet cover with illustration, staple binding, pages free from any ...


France. Volume 2: History and Administration.

314p blue cloth firm, many maps, with index, nice copy, old "Intelligence Branch" stamp, nice copy, ...


Julien Offray de La Mettrie, St. Malo, 1709 - Berlin, 1751. Médecin, Philosophe, Polémiste: Sa Vie, son Oeuvre.


273p large paperback, with plates, entirely un-cut copy, fresh and clean, paper yellowing a little, ...


The School of Fontainbleau - Etchings and Engravings.


very large and heavy hardback volume, pink cloth with gilt lettering, 38p of text plus 350 plates, ...


Forty-Two Fables of La Fontaine. Translated by Edward Marsh.

viii 89p slim booklet, fine buckram cloth with title label to front and spine, both perfect, tiny ...


Oeuvres de Jean Racine, précédée des Mémoires sur sa Vie, par Louis Racine.


656p large format hardback, morocco spine in excellent condition, binding firm, with portrait ...


Tartarin of Tarascon.

xi 155p burgundy cloth with gilt design to front, spine lettered gilt. small format, with ...


The Iron Arrow Head or The Buckler Maiden, A Tale of the Northman Invasion.


v 129p burgundy cloth with gilt design (arrowhead) to front, part of the "Mysteries of the People" ...


Gustave Courbet (1819 - 1877). Exhibition Catalogue, Grand Palais, 30 September 1977 - 2 January 1978.

277p large paperback, colourful artwork cover, firm binding, minimal wear, spine a bit sunned, ...


The Galley Slave's Ring, or The Family of Lebrenn. A Tale of the French Revolution of 1848.


223p burgundy cloth with gilt design (ring and chain) to front, part of the "Mysteries of the ...


The Letters of Marie Antoinette, Fersen and Barnave.

xiii 244p blue cloth fresh, no names or stamps, engraved armorial bookplate, frontispiece and addtl ...


Les Dessins de la Collection de Pierre-Jean Mariette.

30p large staple-bound catalogue, turquoise cover with artwork, very good condition, binding ...


Nineteenth Century French Drawings. 21 November to 18 December 1990.

103p paperback with illustration to front cover, minor wear to covers and spine, binding tight, ...


Nicolas Fouquet, Viscount of Melun and of Vaux, High Lord Treasurer of France Under Louix XIV. With Some Extracts From His Work. Second Edition.


67p hardback, blue cloth with gilt lettering, good condition, light wear, covers marked and worn at ...


Les Pavillons. French Pavilions of the Eighteenth Century.

205p large heavy hardback, bright purple cloth, very good condition, a little wear to edges and ...


Annuaire de la Ligue Nationale contre l’Athéisme. 1904, Dix-Septieme Année.

26p fragile booklet, paper browning, disbound, with inserts, list of members, membership ...


The Royal Salt-Works of Arc et Senans.


32p stapled booklet, bright aerial photo cover, like new condition, no noticeable wear, binding ...


Pierre Puget.


58p paperback, repaired with attractive marble-patterned covers, binding intact, rough-cut pages in ...


The Geometric Spirit. The Abbé de Condillac and the French Enlightenment.


viii 320p hardback, brown cloth with bright orange jacket, very good condition, a little wear to ...


Télérama hors série n° 153 - Mai 68. L'Heritage.
(No Author)


98p magazine type paperback, A4 format, illustrated throughout, print in black and red, sound CD no ...


Cartography in France, 1660 - 1848: Science, Engineering, and Statecraft


xx 194p large format hardback, fresh dustkjacket, with colour plates, excellent copy, no names or ...


A Revolution in Language. The Problem of Signs in Late Eighteenth-Century France.

424p large format paperback, white and grey cover with b&w artwork, good condition, minimal wear, ...


Paris Shopkeepers and the Politics of Resentment.


539p thick hardback, fresh dustjacket, never used copy, as new, but this copy a hint slanted from ...


Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800 - 1840. From the Calculus and Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Volume 1: The Setting.

574p, large hardback, fresh dustjacket green, in excellent condition, no traces of use, volume 1 of ...


Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800 - 1840. From the Calculus and Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Volume 3: The Data.

paginated 1320 - 1601, large hardback, fresh dustjacket green, in excellent condition, no traces of ...


Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800 - 1840. From the Calculus and Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Volume 2: The Turn.

paginated 584 - 1312, large hardback, fresh dustjacket green, a mighty tome in excellent condition, ...


Les Saint-Simoniens: Raison, Imaginaire et Utopie.


381p paperback, white cover. tight and clean copy, author note inserted, excellent condition, as new


Benchmarking: L'État sous Pression Statistique.

210p paperback, yellow illustrated cover, author note inserted, very good


Inventaire de la Correspondance d'Adolphe Quetelet déposée à l'Académie Royale de Belgique.

299p large paperback, many portrait plates in the back, fresh clean copy, exemplaire hors commerce, ...


The Pasteurization of France.


xii 273p hardback, terracotta cloth, dustjacket a little worn and aged and sunned with well hidden ...


Paris, Capital of Modernity.


xi 372p very large paperback, illustrated throughout, a tight and clean copy, no names or stamps, ...


Secret Origins of Modern Microeconomics: Dupuit and the Engineers.

xv 468p hardback, blue dustjacket with portrait, excellent fresh copy, as new, no traces of use, as ...


François Arago (1786 - 1853) (= Sabix: Bulletin de la Société des Amis de la Bibliothèque de l'Ecole Polytechnique, No 4, May 1989)

82p large format paperback, taller than A4, portrait to cover, essays by Grison and Crépel on Arago


The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System.


xi 277p large paperback, black illustrated cover, fresh clean copy


Les Comptes de la Puissance: Histoire de la Comptabilité Nationale et du Plan.

xxiv 462p thick paperback, tight and clean copy, no traces of use, collection of essays, with ...


The Making of Technological Man: The Social Origins of French Engineering Education.

xviii 378p hardback, bright yellow dustjacket, nice clean copy


Savoirs et Savants. Les Études sur la Science en France.

viii 282p large paperback, bright yellow cover, this copy as new, never used, no names or stamps, ...


La Découverte du Social: Naissance de la Sociologie en France (1870 - 1914).

572p large and tick paperback, white cover, fresh copy, only very few faint pencil markings to the ...


Histoire du Calcul Économique en France.


304p large format paperback, white cover with portraits, excellent fresh copy, with tables and ...


Joseph Fourier, 1768 - 1830: A Survey of His Life and Work.

xii 516p large format hardback, dark blue dustjacket, clean fresh copy, name in ink to endpaper, no ...


Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. (Regards sur la France, No 14)
(No Author)


280p 160p (= documentation technique) very large paperback, tight and clean copy, illustrated ...


Lavoisier: Mémoires d'une Révolution.

469p thick paperback, colour portrait to cover, excellent clean copy, no traces of use, no names or ...


La République des Universitaires (1870 - 1940).

505p thick paperback, white cover, fresh clean copy, no names or stamps, a few faint pencil ticks ...


Sur l'Homme et le Développement de ses Facultés ou Essai de Physique Sociale.

550p solid hardback, ivory boards with black lettering, includes tables and illustrations reprint ...


Monastic Iconography in France. From the Renaissance to the Revolution.


80p and 116p b&w plates, green cloth with blue and white jacket, very good condition, light foxing ...


The Exercises and the Collective Dimension of Human Existence. A Study-Session held by French Jesuits.

115p large format paperback, white / orange cover, a nice clean copy, no names or stamps, text ...


The Semiotics of French Gestures.

xvii 236p hardback, black cloth with violet lettering and glossy black jacket, good condition, firm ...


Des Gestes Et Des Mots Pour Le Dire.

160p tall thin paperback, bright red and white cover, very good condition, minimal wear to covers, ...


The Wild Ass's Skin.


xv 288p small red cloth hardback, bright gilt lettering and floral pattern to spine, very good ...


Les Demeures du Silence.

236p paperback, white and green cover with tanning to edges and spine, very good condition, firm ...


The Archaeology of Solvieux. An Upper Paleolithic Open Air Site in France.


xvi 328p large hardback, black cloth with glossy white jacket, very good condition, jacket a bit ...


Le Palèolithique en Pèrigord: Les Donnèes du Sud. Thèse de Doctorat d'État es Sciences, Tomes I - II.

500p 500p doctoral thesis in two large volumes, beige covers with black cloth spines, very good ...


Actions et Paroles Mémorables. Tome Premier.


536p sturdy paperback, lemon-yellow card cover with tan spine, very good condition, minimal wear to ...


Le Gisement Aurignacien des Rois a Mouthiers (Charente). IXe Supplément à "Gallia".
(No Author)


137p large format paperback, green and black card covers, very good condition, a little light wear ...


136p small staple-bound book, tan covers, very good condition, not much wear, binding intact, pages ...



xix 336p white paperback with cover design by George Gusti, spine a little tanned, pages clean, ...


(No Author)


Large folded map, original sleeve, very good condition, light wear to sleeve and to one fold of ...


Les Mémoires de Charles de Constant sur le Commerce à la Chine.


491p library rebound in plain green cloth with lettering to spine, a nice clean copy, no notes or ...


Mémoire sur le Commerce Maritime de Rouen. Depuis les Temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la fin du XVIe Siècle. Tome 2: Pièces Justificatives.

552p green morocco spine, marbled boards, volume 2 ONLY, with library bookplate, binding tight, ...



viii 229p original brown cloth with gilt lettering to front, a tight and clean copy, light library ...


Etude de certains aspects logiques et grammaticaux de la quantification et de l'anaphore en français et en anglais.

vi 547p large paperback, white cover, text reproduced form typescript, clean copy with light ...



267p large paperback, white and light blue cover, a tight clean and square copy with light library ...


La Journée des Aveux.

96p small format, blue limp cloth with Art Deco design to cover, old school library stamps, ...


Joris-Karl Huysmans. A Rebours.

125p purple and white paperback, some foxing to endpapers, otherwise a clean and firm copy, French ...



iv 524p hardback, dark cloth with embossed botanical motif, binding firm, minor denting or soiling ...


La Préhistoire Française: Tome 1, Les Civilisations Paléolithiques et Mésolithiques de la France. (2 Volumes)

1521p two very large and very heavy volumes in green hardback imitating morocco with bright gilt ...


L'Abri du Facteur à Tursac (Dordogne). (Gallia Préhistoire, Volume 11, Part 1, 1968)


this is a 110 page essay published in Gallia Préhistoire, for sale is the entire issue, printed on ...


La Dame aux Camélias. Illustrations de Jordic.

123p hardback in light brown cloth with black lettering and floral ornaments to front and back, ...


Pêcheur d'Islande. Compositions de E Rudaux.


122p hardback in light brown cloth with black lettering and floral ornaments to front and back, ...


Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard. Illustrations de Paul Destez.


122p hardback in light brown cloth with black lettering and floral ornaments to front and back, ...


Fleurus en Oranie: 1848 - 1962: Monographie Communale.

659p thick paperback, large format, as new condition, many illustrations, some in colour, spine not ...


approx 250p A4 format, blue cover, with many maps and illustrations and graphs, text reproduced ...


The Story of a Child.


163p hardback, very fresh dustjacket, as new, translated by Rosemary and Peter Ganz


Corinne ou l'Italie. Nouvelle édition précédée d'une notice par Mme de Saussure.

514p half calf green, binding firm but hinges a little rubbed, title label missing from spine, ...


Les Mystères de Paris. Nouvelle Édition, Revue par l'Auteur. Première Partie.


iv 315p large format hardback, contemporary half calf with gilt decor, bottom of spine lettered ...


Les Mystères de Paris. Nouvelle Édition, Revue par l'Auteur. Quatrième et Dernière Partie.


xxxii 326p large format hardback, contemporary half calf with gilt decor, small hurt to bottom of ...



183p hardback, fresh dustjacket, first edition, no names or stamps, nice clean copy top edge a ...



164p paperback in brown card cover, binding tight, pages very clean and bright, minimal wear, ...


Champagne, Bourgogne. Livret-Guide de L'Excursion A2. (IXe Congrès, Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques).


88p paperback report in terracotta cover, very good condition, a little wear to corners and spine ...


Les Plus Anciens Hominidés. (IXe Congrès, Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Colloque VI). Prétirage.

464p large paperback report in bright orange cover, almost no wear and firm binding, pages clean ...


La Maison de Claudine. Illustrations de Jacques Taillfer.


256p rebound in blue morocco, attractive colour illustrations, tight copy, slight binding oddity as ...


Gigi. Illustrations de Jacques Taillfer.


256p blue hardback, with transparent jacket, colour illustrations, attractive copy very faint ...



viii 112p red large format paperback with illustration to front cove5r, A4 size, spine square, ...



204p dark red large format paperback, A4 size, spine square, binding tight, appears unread, pages ...


The Mousterian in Mediterranean France.


x 367p red large format paperback, A4 size, minor wear to covers, spine slightly sunned, binding ...


Upper Palaeolithic Faunas from South-West France. A Zoographic Perspective.


x 367p red large format paperback, A4 size, minor wear to covers, binding tight, hinges tight, ...


The Middle Palaeolithic Geography of Southern France. Resources and Site Location.


vi 148p red large format paperback, A4 size, binding tight, hinges tight, pages clean and bright, ...


A la Rencontre des Chasseurs Néandertaliens de Provence nord-occidentale. (Notices d'Archeologie Vauclusienne No 3: Le Paléolithique Moyen en Vaucluse)

144p large format paperback, grey cover, A4 format, many colour illustrations throughout, very well ...



207p paperback with plain private red card cover, folded map in pocket at back, a few pages with ...


Les Vosges, Lorraine - Alsace.

xlviii 532p thick volume in original blue cloth with map to front, many maps and plant, one well ...


616p large format paperback, A4 format, black cover, many illustrations, maps, tables, one essay ...



181p large format, paperback, brown cover, A4 format, with many illustrations, tables and maps, a ...


L'Aurignacien de la grotte du Renne. Les Fouilles d 'André Leroi-Gourhan à Arcy-sur-Cure (Yonne)

large format paperback, illustrated cover, nice clean copy, heavy tome, illustrated throughout, ...


The Middle Paleolithic Site of Combe-Capelle Bas (France).

x 217p large format hardback, a fresh and clean and unused copy, still shrink-wrapped


Alain. Bulletin No 10, Octobre 1959. Lettres Inédites (1905 - 1914).

40p stapled booklet, white cover, cover torn and incomplete, newspaper clippings inserted, ...


A History of Continental Criminal Procedure with special Reference to France. Translated by John Simpson.


xlv 640p original dark blue cloth fresh, lettering to spine dull, a large and heavy volume, light ...


Poeti Simbolisti Francesi. A Cura di Glauco Viazzi.


xii 129p white paperback, cover only a little dusty, no names or stamps, original, first edition, ...


The Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel. Translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Le Motteux.

xxi 344p 374p 367p three volumes bound in one, blue cloth firm, gilt lettering to spine, imprint ...


Alain. Bulletin No 36, Décembre 1973. Dialogue Philosophique IV: De la Joie; Interview 1928.

72p paperback, white cover, a little aged, some notes about a essay by A Rerat, a bulletin devoted ...


Alain. Bulletin No 88, Décembre 1999. La Premiere Rédaction par Alain: Des Idées et les Ages.

96p stapled paperback, white cover, fresh clean copy, bulletin devoted to the work of Émile-Auguste ...


Alain. Bulletin No 83, Juillet 1997. Il y a cent Ans, Alain à Loirent; Alain et le Ciel.

88p stapled paperback, white cover, fresh clean copy, name to inside cover, letter inserted, notes ...


Alain. Bulletin No 82, Décembre 1996. Alain, la Science et les Sciences; Sernin: Georges Bénézé

88p stapled paperback, white cover, fresh clean copy, name to inside cover, letter inserted, notes ...


Alain. Bulletin No 79, Juin 1995. Alain et l'Actualité; La Paix, la Force et le Droit; Le Liberalisme.

96p stapled paperback, white cover, fresh clean copy without markings, bulletin devoted to the work ...


Alain. Bulletin No 72, Novembre 1991. Alain Journaliste; Actualité d'Alain (1907 - 1908); La Representation Proportionelle.

64p stapled paperback, white cover, fresh clean copy without markings or names, bulletin devoted to ...


Alain. Bulletin No 71, Mai 1991. Alain, le Droit, la Guerre et la Paix.

70p stapled paperback, white cover, fresh clean copy without markings or names, bulletin devoted to ...



vi 334p hardback, glossy photographic cover, like new condition, no noticeable wear, binding tight, ...


Waterloo Letters.


xx 415p hardback with fresh dustjacket, folding maps in the back well preserved, facsimile edition ...


Tels que Dieu nous a voulus. L'idée d'Ethnie et la Philosophie Nietschéenne dans l'OEuvre de Saint-Loup.


2223p paperback, motorbike rider to cover, this copy was heavily annotated by the author in pencil ...


Un Homme et les Microbes - Une Vie de Pasteur pour la Jeunesse.


94p very fresh and well preserved paperback, illustrated cover, woodcuts by Robert Gibbings, ...


Il Centauro e altri Poemi. A Cura di Alessandro Parronchi.

99p fresh paperback, long introduction, well preserved, no names or stamps, French text with an ...


Vases Communicants.

177p small format paperback with Dali illustration to cover, fresh and clean copy, no names


382p paperback, orange cover with black lettering, large format, very good condition, minimal wear, ...


200p full calf binding lettered "Missel" to spine, boards and bookblock have been designed in a ...


299p 305p hardback set, marbled card covers with gilt designs to spine and gilt edges, very good ...



285p hardback with green and dark and gilt design to front and spine, spine a hint sunned, this ...


236p large format paperback portrait to cover, a fresh and clean copy, Italian translation by ...


224p solid paperback, blue cover with drawing, spine tight and firm, folding map in the back well ...



196p large format, red cloth boards with gilt and black lettering, spine firm and clean, name to ...


146p small format paperback in a glassine jacket, name to endpaper, clean copy, with illustrations, ...


375p paperback, white cover with b&w portrait, good condition, some light wear to covers, foxed ...



48p slim paperback, red lettering to cover, author inscription to Giselle Rérat in ink, a fresh and ...



55p slim paperback, red lettering to cover, limited edition, this copy numbered "8", author ...



144p large format paperback, many illustrations, colour frontispiece, portrait to cover, a very ...



154p large format paperback, many illustrations, frontispiece, portrait to cover, a very tight and ...



311p 366p half morocco hardback with marbled boards in excellent condition, gilt lettering and ...


xxix 412p paperback, blue and red cover with artwork, minimal wear, binding firm and spine ...


50p paperback, covers in good condition, minor wear to spine, binding tight, hinges tight, no names ...


185p large format white paperback, covers in very good condition with minor signs of wear and ...


1125p full burgundy calf binding with gilt rules and lettering to spine, boards slightly scuffed at ...


380p large format paperback, taller than A4, stiff covers, excellent fresh copy, no names or ...


366p oversized paperback, white cover with blue and red lettering, A4 format, with illustrations, ...



312p large format paperback rebound in library hardback binding, original cover bound in, binding ...


154p white paperback with black lettering, nice clean copy from a departmental library, well ...


xiv 318p half calf hardback with water silk boards, well preserved copy, text clean, binding tight, ...


178p blue paperback, very good, paper yellowing a little



188p small format paperback with red Miro illustration to cover, a little dusty, clean copy, paper ...


254p paperback, edited with commentary "pour l'étude du français à l'étranger", a very good copy: ...


198p paperback, white cover, authorial (?) note with erratum inserted, authors named as Jean ...


469p thick paperback, purple illustrated cover, poetry in bi-lingual edition with Italian ...



270p small format paperback with card cover, Girodet illustration, French language, very good, ...



181p brown paperback, French and Italian text on facing pages, limited edition, numbered copy (No ...



111p brown paperback, with illustrations, French and Italian txt on facing pages, limited edition, ...



262p white paperback, first edition, with a publisher's red advertising band in excellent ...



xviii 366phardback with fresh dustjacket, clean copy, no names or stamps, no parts missing, well ...


381p small format hardback with illustrated dustjacket very well preserved, no names or stamps, ...



452p sturdy paperback, tan card covers with red title, very good condition, light wear to cover ...


102p paperback, beige covers with flaps, good condition, a bit of light foxing to covers, pages ...



42p stapled booklet, very good condition, beige cover with green and brown designs, staple binding ...


307p paperback with plastic ring binding, very good condition, minimal wear, light foxing to edges, ...


slim paperback, fresh copy, paper yellowing, well preserved


94p slim paperback, white cover a little dusty and aged, clean text, very good


277p small paperback, white cover with blue artwork, very good condition, a little light wear to ...


192p hardback, tan boards with original paper cover attached, gilt label to spine, very good ...


251p paperback, white cover with red stripe, very good condition, light spotting to covers, pages ...


448p hardback, orange cloth with colour portrait, transparent glassine jacket, good condition, ...



lxii 1389p blue hardback binding with gilt rules and lettering to spine preserved in its slipcase, ...


Histoire de la Révolution Français. Deuxième Édition. Tome Second.


491p hardback, bound in half-vellum with black watersilk, very good condition, old handwritten ...


Histoire de la Révolution Français. Deuxième Édition. Tome Premier.


522p large format hardback, bound in half-vellum with black watersilk boards, very good condition, ...


Mon Premier Dictionaire Français.

216p blue boards, a fresh clean copy, very animated illustrations, also colour plates, Rosalind ...


Il Potere dell'Ancien Régime Fino alla Prima Guerra Mondiale.


340p hardback with dustjacket, with review copy stamps, this copy with a lot of animated ink ...


Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot. A Casebook.


216p cream paperback, very good condition without name or stamps, excellent


Rodin at the Musée Rodin.

128p large paperback, beige cover with sculpture, very good condition, little to no wear, binding ...


Correspondance inédite de Marie-Antoinette publiée sur les documents originaux par le Comte Paul Vogt d'Hunolstein. Deuxieme Edition.

iii 304p plain brown library cloth, library bookplate from Belmont Abbey Phillips Library, bound at ...


Ethique. Texte original et Traduction nouvelle par Bernard Pautrat.


540p white paperback, tight and clean copy, Latin and French text on facing pages, excellent copy


Jacques Offenbach e la Parigi del suo Tempo.

305p large format paperback, colour illustration to front, some browning, a clean copy, no names or ...


Proust. Prefazione di Oreste del Buono.


90p red and black paperback, a fresh clean copy, no names or stamps, well preserved, first edition


320p large format paperback, faint green cover, a fresh and clean copy, first edition, no names or ...


xxx 238p large paperback, with brown jacket, excellent copy, "copia per recensione", bilingual ...


328p large format paperback, colour portrait to front, excellent condition, no names or stamps, no ...



166p large paperback, illustrated cover, a fresh and clean copy, no names or stamps, first edition, ...



282p large format paperback red and black lettering to cover, editor inscription, French and ...



134p large format paperback with illustrated jacket, a nice clean copy, no names or stamps


Erik Satie e gli Artisti del Nostro Tempo: Spoleto, Chiesa della Manna d'Oro, 26 Giugno - 12 Luglio 1981.

120p large format paperback, white cover, illustrated throughout, also in colour, exhibition ...


M. de Beaufort à Vincennes. Founded on "Vingt ans après" by Alexandre Dumas.

86p burgundy cloth with floral ornaments, school stamp, related student homework (graded) inserted, ...


Baudelaire par lui-même.


192p paperback, illustrated throughout, very good, clean copy without names or stamps


Corot and his Friends.

vii 301p original hardback, spine well gilt, frontispiece, publisher's catalogue in the back, a ...


xv 304p hardback, colour illustrated boards with crimson spine, like new condition, no noticeable ...


L'Expérience Puritaine. Vies et Récits de Dissidents (XVIIe - XVIIIe Siècle).

504p paperback, white and red cover with illustration, very good condition, minimal wear, cover ...


128p white paperback, fresh clean copy, very good


Le Bâtard Royal. Henri d'Angoulême dans l'Ombre des Valois. 1551 - 1586.

viii 279p first edition cream paperback with illustrated portrait to front cover, spine square, ...



vi 235p hardback with grey and green covers, tight binding, pages neat and bright, edges sharp and ...


King of the World. The Life of Louis XIV.


xiii 604p large hardback, grey cloth with scarlet jacket, very good condition, no significant wear, ...


357p large format paperback, white cover with b&w illustration, like new condition, no noticeable ...


François 1er et l'Espace Politique Italien. États, Domaines et Territoires.

504p large paperback, grey covers with crimson spine, like new condition, no significant wear, ...


Claude Debussy: Le Plaisir et la Passion.

168p large format stiff paperback, illustrated throughout, excellent copy, as new


Le Credo de L'Homme Blanc. Regards Coloniaux Français XIXe-XXe Siècles.

xii 409p paperback, blue cover with colourful artwork, very good condition, minimal wear to covers, ...


L'Évolution Creatrice.


xi 372p bright red paperback, as new



xxvi 423p small format paperback, brown cover with portrait, a tight and clean copy, spine not ...


188p large format paperback, illustrated cover, a fresh and clean copy without names or stamps, ...


Là-bas. Un Scenario Original.

127p paperback with black and yellow jacket, a few notes in ink to preface, else a clean and tight ...


Balzac: Recherches sur la Création Intellectuelle.


large paperback, brown card cover, small crease to back cover, spine tight, 87 pages text followed ...


Le Tour de Jules Verne en quatre-vingts Livres.

319p hardback, fresh dustjacket, frontispiece, a fresh and clean copy, light dog-earing seen


Le Theme de l'Ethnie et l'Ideologie Nietzscheenne dans les Romans Historiques de Saint-Loup. (Dissertation, University of Port Elizabeth)


279p A4 format, bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering to front, reproduced from typescript, ...


Naissance de la Nation France.


431p large paperback, white cover, with plates, faint private mark to spine, never used, tight and ...


Enigmes et Symboles du Mont Saint-Michel.


305p hardback, white cloth with illustrated black jacket, very good condition, a little light wear ...


Honoré de Balzac. La Comédie Humaine 4.

601p large format hardback, crimson cloth with gilt lettering, white jacket and glassine sleeve, ...


Victor Hugo. Romans III. Les Travailleurs de la Mer, L'Homme Qui Rit, Quatrevingt-Treize.


559p hardback, crimson cloth with gilt lettering, glossy white jacket with illustration, very good ...


Victor Hugo. Romans II. Les Misérables.


566p hardback, scarlet cloth with gilt lettering, glossy white jacket with colour artwork, very ...


Victor Hugo. Romans I. Han d'Islande, Bug-Jargal, Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamné, Notre-Dame de Paris, Claude Gueux.


425p hardback, scarlet cloth with gilt lettering, glossy white jacket with illustration, very good ...


The Influence of the Enlightenment on the French Revolution: Creative, Disastrous or Non-Existent?


xx 108p large paperback, green cover, essays and criticism, with bibliography, front cover a little ...


Terrain. Carnets du Patrimoine Ethnologique. No 31, September 1998: Un Corps Pur.

184p A4 format, many illustrations throughout, contributions by Mary Douglas, Edouard Conte, E ...


Terrain. Carnets du Patrimoine Ethnologique. No 32, March 1999: Le Beau.

184p A4 format, many illustrations throughout, this copy still shrinkwrapped, new, contributions by ...


Terrain. Carnets du Patrimoine Ethnologique. No 24, March 1995: La Fabrication des Saints.

184p A4 format, many illustrations throughout, contributions by Charuty, Catedra, Blanc, Jamous, ...


La Filosofia Francese Contemporanea

371p large hardback, grey cloth with beige jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, jacket a ...


Pour Comprendre la Philosophie.

144p square-format paperback, very good condition, beige cover, some light wear to cover edges and ...


Pensieri. Testo Francese a Fronte.

550p white hardback-style paperback, very minor wear to covers and spine, binding tight, hinges ...


La Communication Poétique. Précédé de Avez-vous lu Char?


296p white paperback with red writing to covers and spine, covers slightly sunned with minor wear, ...


Proust Ritrovato.

135p paperback, white cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding tight, a few light marks to ...


Interpretazioni di Mallarmé.

246p paperback, white cover with photograph, very good condition, minimal wear, binding tight, ...


Chansonniers Francesi. Parole di Canzoni. Aznavour, Beart, Brel, Brassens, Ferre, Leclerc, Trenet.
(No Author)


141p paperback, black and white covers, very good condition, minimal wear to edges, binding firm, ...


Parisina. Il Prigioniero di Chillon. Versione col Testo a Fronte.

viii 185p paperback, beige cover with some tanning and foxing, very good condition, light wear, ...


Molloy, Malone Muore, L'Innominabile. Romanzi.


xlviii 441p hardback, beige cloth with tanned white jacket, good condition, very light wear to ...


Introduzione alla Vera Storia del Cinema.

279p paperback, white cover with scarlet illustration, very good condition, minimal wear, some ...


L' Albatros di Baudelaire.


108p white paperback with illustration to front cover, still in original shrink wrapping which is ...


Proust o la Genealogia del Romanzo Moderno.

247p tan paperback, binding tight, hinges tight, spine slightly sunned, spotting to top page edge, ...


Les Français sous la Révolution. Avec Quarante Scènes et Types.

316p large format hardback, dark green calf, gilt lettering and design to spine, very good ...


La Revoca dell'Editto di Nantes. Le Leggi dell'Ospitalità.

127p paperback, white and green cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding tight, light ...


Aucassin e Nicolette.

94p paperback, white cover with some marks, minimal wear, binding firm, pages very clean and neat, ...


La Casa del Pastore e Altre Poesie.

195p paperback, very good condition, white cover with some light tanning, binding intact, pages ...


Le Siècle de Titien. L'Age d'Or de la Peinture a Venise. Edition Revue et Corrigee.

755p large paperback with illustration to front cover, binding tight, hinges tight, spine no longer ...


Le Origini dello Spirito Borghese in Francia.

351p paperback, very good condition, tan cover with black lettering, binding a little stiff but ...


Classicismo e Rivoluzione. Goethe e la Rivoluzione Francese.

254p paperback, blue and white cover, very good condition, binding firm, pages very clean and neat, ...



625p large hardback, canary-yellow cloth with black design and gilt lettering, very good condition, ...


Le Gomme.

264p pink and white paperback with illustration to front cover, transparent dustjacket present, ...


Il Muro.

254p hardback, white card covers with cloth spine, very good condition, light wear and some foxing ...


La Principessa di Clèves.

200p paperback with illustration to front cover, binding tight, hinges tight, spine square, slight ...


Creative Tensions. An Introduction to Seventeenth-Century French Literature.

160p paperback, white cover with colour painting, like new condition, no significant wear of any ...


La Signora Bovary. Traduzione di Natalia Ginzburg.

437p jean-blue paperback, binding tight, spine no longer square, spotting to page edges, pages ...


Una Stagione in Inferno. Illuminazioni.

207p green paperback with illustration to front cover, pinding tight, spine square yet creased, ...


Storia del Cavaliere des Grieux e di Manon Lescaut.

159p white paperback with design to front cover, original shrink-wrapping intact, never opened or ...


Il Romanzo Sperimentale.

xl 279p white paperback with illustration to front cover, binding tight, hinges tight, spine square ...


La Porta Stretta: Romanzo.


179p red paperback with illustration to front cover, binding intact, hinges intact, spine square ...


Il Giardino dei Supplizi.

ix 181p paperback with illustrated cover, binding tight, spine square and without creases, slight ...


Il Mio Primo Viaggio. Il Giro del Mondo in 80 Giorni.


246p paperback with illustrated front cover, binding tight, spine square, appears unread, excellent ...


Saint-John Perse. Amitié du Prince. Avec un Hommage du Renato Poggioli.

30p paperback with blue paper cover wrapper and transparent jacket, dustjacket slightly opaque and ...


La Confessione d'un Figlio del Secolo.

345p green cloth hardback with gilt lettering and design to spine and front cover, green and gold ...


La Légende de Roland. De la Genèse Française à l'Épuisement de la Figure du Héros en Italie.


340p large paperback, white cover with photograph of statue, very good condition, some very light ...


Alla Ricerca del Tempo Perduto. First Volume.


lxii 1389p full blue calf binding with gilt rules and lettering to spine preserved in its slipcase, ...


Romanzi e Racconti. First Volume.


1056p blue hardback binding with gilt rules and lettering to spine, preserved in its slipcase, ...



xxvi 841p blue hardback binding with gilt rules and lettering to spine, preserved in its slipcase, ...


Marcel Duchamp. Von der Erscheinung zur Konzeption.


234p paperback, red and blue cover, light wear to edges and spine, binding firm, pages clean and ...


Scritti sull'Arte.

lvi 379p white cloth hardback, dark grey cloth slipcase with illustration present, dust jacket ...


Il Diavolo Innamorato.


89p grey card cover, tight copy, spotting to covers, no names or stamps, spine square, first ...



184p grey card cover, tight copy, spotting to covers, no names or stamps, spine square, first ...


I Martiri.

396p grey card cover, tight copy, spotting to front cover, no names or stamps, spine no longer ...



162p grey card cover, tight copy, spotting to front cover, no names or stamps, spine square, first ...


Il Gran Meaulnes.

252p grey card cover, fresh and tight copy, no names or stamps, spine square, second edition, green ...



173p navy paperback with illustration to front cover, clean and fresh copy, slight foxing to top ...


Scandalo negli Abissi. A Cura di Ernesto Ferrero.

78p paperback, white cover with line drawing to cover, many illustrations by Emilio Tadini in the ...


Montaigne. Il Paradosso dell'Apparenza.

394p hardback with orange laminated boards, a fresh and clean copy, first edition, no names or ...


Ubu. Ubu Re. Ubu Cornuto. Ubu Incatenato. Ubu sulla Collina.


190p green paperback, front cover slightly folded, a clean and tight copy, spine not creased, no ...


La Ville en France au Moyen Age.

673p small paperback volume, white cover with colour illustration, very good condition, minimal ...


Bordeaux pendant le Haut Moyen Age.

338p hardback, maroon boards covered by attached beige jacket, good condition, wear to jacket edges ...


The Scourge of the Clergy. Peter of Dreux, Duke of Brittany.


vi 155p burgundy cloth hardback with gilt lettering to spine and gilt design to front board, ...


Naissance d'une Cité. Laon et le Laonnois du Ve au Xe Siècle.


424p large format paperback, illustrated beige cover, very good condition, minimal wear, spine ...


Voyageurs et Marchandises aux Temps Carolingiens. Les Réseaux de Communication entre Loire et Meuse aux VIIIe et IXe Siècles.


357p hardback, white cover with red lettering, like new condition, little to no wear, binding ...


Structures Politiques du Monde Franc (VIe-XIIe Siécles). Études sur les Origines de la France et de l'Allemagne.

376p hardback, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, very good condition, minimal wear, binding ...


From Slavery to Feudalism in South-Western Europe.

xi 352p hardback, earth-brown cloth with gilt lettering to spine, like new condition, little to no ...


Villa - Curtis - Grangia. Landwirtschaft zwischen Loire und Rhein von der Römerzeit zum Hochmittelalter.

xi 281p hardback, navy cloth with gilt lettering to spine, very good condition, little to no wear, ...


Louis VII et son Royaume.


258p large format hardback, privately rebound in tan cloth with strong Morocco leather spine, gilt ...


Les Paysages Médiévaux du Languedoc (Xe - XIIe Siècles).


491p large paperback, white and green cover, very good condition, minimal wear to covers and sides, ...


Liber Largitorius. Études d'Histoire Médiévale Offertes à Pierre Toubert par ses Eleves.

xvii 650p large paperback, sky-blue cover, very good condition, minimal wear to cover edges and ...


L'Illusione Teatrale. Traduzione e Appunti di Lettura di Vittorio Sereni.

165p brown paperback, illustration to front, fresh and clean copy, French and Italian text on ...


Teatro Completo: Drammi, Sceneggiature, Radiodrammi, Pieces Televisive.

lxxvi 936p full blue calf binding with gilt rules to spine, preserved in its slipcase, transparent ...


Anthologie de Poésie Français.


844p full burgundy calf binding with gilt rules to spine, paper dustjacket present, transparent ...



xlv 1696p full blue calf binding with gilt rules to spine, preserved in its slipcase, transparent ...


Maria Edgeworth in France and Switzerland: Selections from the Edgeworth Family Letters.

xxxii 309p hardback, green dustjacket present, frontispiece and additional platers, a nice tight ...


Romanciers du XVIIIe siècle. Volume 1.
(No Author)


1619p full blue calf binding with gilt rules to spine, paper jacket present, transparent jacket ...


Oeuvres Complètes.

xlv 875p thick volume, full red calf binding with gilt rules to spine, paper jacket present, ...


Oeuvres. Volume 1.

xlv 1637p thick volume, full red calf binding with gilt rules to spine, paper jacket present, ...


Romans, Récits, Contes et Nouvelles.

1138p thick volume, full dark blue calf binding with gilt rules to spine, fresh clean copy, ...


A la Recherche du Temps Perdu. Tome 1.


xxxvii 1003p thick volume, full brown calf binding with gilt rules to spine, paper jacket present, ...


Casse-pipe. A Cura di Ernesto Ferrero.

118p white paperback, horse scene to cover, spine not creased, pages unmarked, binding tight, ...


Breve Storia del Surrealismo, 1919 - 1945.


175p large format paperback, camice Magritte to cover, a tight and clean copy, no names stamps or ...


Poesie Erotiche. Introduzione di Gilda Piersanti.


183p paperback, white cover with drawing to front, a tight and clean copy, no names stamps or ...


Teoria della Andatura.

81p paperback, blue cover, a clean and tight copy, edited by Franco Rella, excellent copy: Theory ...


Addio. A Cura die Alfredo di Laura.

100p paperback, horse rider to front cover, a clean and tight copy, Italian translation of the ...


Album Chateaubriand.

359p full brown calf binding with gilt rules to spine, fresh clean copy, transparent jacket and ...


Album Les Écrivains de la Révolution.


318p full brown calf binding with gilt rules to spine, transparent jacket also present, in its ...


Paris on £25.


95p small hardback with excellent unclipped photographic dustjacket, foxing to page edges not ...


Garin le Loherenc. Tome 3.

paginated 515 - 856, paperback, fresh copy, grey card cover, never used, contains much of the ...


The Black Tulip.

xii 248p dark green cloth, EL monogram to spine, library bookplate to inside board


Correspondance complète de la Marquise du Deffand avec ses Amis le Président Hainault, Montesquieu, d'Alamber, Voltaire, Horace Walpole. Volume 2 ONLY


795p bound in plain blue cloth with lettering to spine, a tight and clean copy, frontispiece ...


Le Peuple des Villes et des Bourgs.


543p paperback, white cover, very good condition, folding map well preserved, binding tight, name ...


Le Roman de la Rose. Versione Italiana a Fronte di Gina D'Angelo Matassa. Introduzione do Luciano Formisano. Two Volumes.

two oversized thick volumes, hardback with dustjacket, in their black slipcase (a little soft), ...


Watt. Romanzo.


263p fresh paperback, first printing, shark and square copy, stamped "campione gratuito", excellent


The Nuclear Peninsula.

xi 138p hardback, grey cloth with dark grey jacket, like new condition, little to no wear, binding ...


Urban Development in Western Europe: France and Belgium. International History of City Development, Volume 5.


xv 491p large format hardback, yellow and black cloth with white jacket, very good condition, light ...


Cluny from the Tenth to the Twelfth Centuries.

xii 312p hardback, blue cloth fresh, gild titles to front, first edition, like new, excellent ...


The Affair of Colonel Juste de Constant and Related Documents, 1787 - 1796.

lviii 304p green cloth fresh as new, excellent copy, as new


Enseignants et Enseignés: Musée de Bretagne, 10 Mai - 5 Septembre 1977.

160p large format paperback, text reproduced from typescript, illustrated paper cover detached, ...


Prophets and Patrons. The French University and the Emergence of the Social Sciences.

x 282p hardback, purple cloth with tan jacket, very good condition, light wear to jacket edges, ...


Gwen Raverat in France.

oblong format, bright yellow dustjacket, excellent copy, illustrated throughout, no names or stamps


Society and Milieu in the French Geographic Tradition.


xiv 226p hardback, maroon faux leather with gilt lettering to spine, like new condition, little to ...


La Géographie Française à l'Époque Classique (1918-1968).

345p large paperback, white and green cover, very good condition, minimal wear, spine sunned, ...


La Cartographie des Routes de France au XVIIIe Siècle.

20p booklet, beige cover, good condition, wear to covers and edges, pages present and intact, one ...


Catalogue des Guides-Routiers et des Itinéraires Français 1552 - 1850. Illustrations Supplémentaires, No 100 of 150.

36p paperback, tan cover, very good condition, minimal wear, one or two light marks to edges and ...


Catalogue des Guides-Routiers et des Itineraires Francais 1552 - 1850.

48p slim paperback, tan cover, very good condition, light wear to covers and edges, binding intact, ...


Essai sur la Répartition de la Propriété Foncière dans la Région Alpine. Les Hommes et La Terre, Volume VIII.


270p paperback, white and orange cover, very good condition, light wear to edges, binding firm, ...


La Métairie et l'Evolution Agraire de la Gâtine Poitevine de la Fin du Moyen Age à la Révolution.


252p paperback, orange cover with sunned spine, very good condition, light wear to cover edges and ...


Cultures en Haute-Provence.


268p paperback, orange cover with sunned spine, very good condition, minimal wear, binding intact, ...


Bourgeois Et Paysans Au XVIIe Siècle. Recherches Sur Le Rôle Des Bourgeois Parisiens Dans La Vie Agricole Au Sud De Paris Au XVIIe Siècle.


122p paperback, orange cover with sunned spine, very good condition, minimal wear, binding intact, ...


Manuel de Géographie Historique de la France.


374p paperback with multiple maps, good used condition, general wear, cover detached but present, ...


Paris Life, a Baltimore Treasure: The Remarkable Lives of George A Lucas and his Art Collection.

xiii 293p hardcover, dustjacket, as new, first edition, excellent condition


Cul De Sac: Patrimony, Capitalism, and Slavery in French Saint-Domingue.


264p hardcover, bright red dustjacket, as new, first edition, excellent condition


Exile, Imprisonment, or Death: The Politics of Disgrace in Bourbon France, 1610 - 1789.


xxiv 521p hardcover, dustjacket, as new, first edition, excellent condition


Nietzsche in Frankreich.

181p grey paperback, as new, no names, no stamps, no traces of use, uncommon title


The Military Enlightenment: War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon.

xi 301p first edition, as new, dustjacket, hardback, excellent condition


The Geography of Post-War France. A Social and Economic Approach.


xi 165p hardback, black and turquoise cloth, very good condition, minimal wear to corners, binding ...


La Vie Rurale dans le Sud-Est du Bassin Parisien.


340p large paperback, tan cover, good condition, tear to cover edge and spine, wear to edges, pages ...


The Rise of Market Culture. The Textile Trade and French Society, 1750 - 1900.


xii 400p hardback, green cloth with white and silver jacket, very good condition, light wear to ...


Réveiller l'Archive d'une Guerre Coloniale. Photographies et écrits de Gaston Chérau, Correspondant de Guerre en Libye, 1911 - 1912.


478p first edition, as new, hardback, excellent condition, many illustrations throughout


Le Nord.

198p paperback, white and green cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, pages clean ...


Opening the Gates: The Lip Affair, 1968 - 1981.


xvi 492p first edition, as new, dustjacket, hardback, excellent condition


Le Territoire de l'Historien.

544p large format paperback, beige cover with flaps, very good condition, light wear and tanning to ...


Paths to the City. Regional Migration in Nineteenth-Century France.


259p hardback, black cloth with dark green jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to jacket ...


Terres de Castanide. Hommes et Paysages du Châtaignier de l'Antiquite à Nos Jours.

480p large format paperback, tanned white cover, very good condition, wear to covers and spine, ...


Jura Franche-Comté.

255p paperback, colourful illustrated jacket with clear plastic cover, very good condition, light ...


Housewife or Harlot. The Place of Women in French Society 1870 - 1940.


229p hardback, maroon cloth with blue jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to jacket, binding ...


Plodémet. Report from a French Village.


xxiv 263p hardback, crimson cloth with b&w jacket, very good condition, wear to jacket edges and ...


Divided on D-Day: How Conflicts and Rivalries Jeopardized the Allied Victory at Normandy.

429p first edition, as new, dustjacket, hardback, excellent condition


The "Action Française" and Revolutionary Syndicalism.


281p hardback, blue cloth with grey jacket, very good condition, light wear and sunning to jacket, ...


La Région Limousine.

174p hardback, white and orange cloth, very good condition, light wear to cover corners, binding ...


Le Quercy.


205p paperback, colourful illustrated jacket with clear plastic cover, very good condition, minimal ...




248p paperback, colourful illustrated jacket with clear plastic cover, very good condition, minimal ...


Marche et Limousin.


222p paperback, colourful illustrated jacket with clear plastic cover, very good condition, minimal ...


Au Fort de l'Auvergne.


227p hardback, beige cloth with colourful illustrated jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to ...



245p paperback, colourful illustrated cover with clear plastic jacket, very good condition, minimal ...


Le Social dans le Ville. En France et en Europe (1750 - 1914).

351p paperback, green cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, pages clean and neat, ...


L'Enseignement Agricole et Vétérinaire de la Révolution à la Libération.

cxlv 745p hardback, white and green laminated cover, very good condition, minimal wear to cover ...


Histoire de l'Éducation Populaire 1815 - 1945. Perspectives Françaises et Internationales.

430p large paperback, white and yellow illustrated cover, like new condition, no significant wear, ...


Structures Sociales et Dépopulation Rurale dans les Campagnes Picardes de 1836 a 1936.

232p paperback, tan cover with black lettering, very good condition, light wear to cover edges and ...


Les Transportes de Marchandises par Fer, Route et Eau depuis 1850. Includes Maps.

128p paperback with folder of maps, white and green covers, very good condition, light wear to ...


Child Labor Reform in Nineteenth-Century France. Assuring the Future Harvest.

xv 268p hardback, canary-yellow cloth and jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, ...


The Fruits of Revolution. Property Rights, Litigation, and French Agriculture, 1700 - 1860.

xiv 216p hardback, black cloth with white and green jacket, like new condition, no significant ...


Village in the Vaucluse. Third Edition.


xx 390p paperback, brown and white cover with sunned spine, very good condition, minimal wear, ...


Economic Geography of France.


x 148p paperback, purple cover, very good condition, minimal wear, spine sunned, binding intact, ...


Rural Revolution in France. The Peasantry in the Twentieth Century.


xi 271p hardback, green cloth with white and green jacket, very good condition, wear to jacket ...


Les Étapes du Syndicalisme Agricole en France.


282p paperback, white cover with ad hoc plastic wrapper, very good condition, minimal wear, pages a ...


Géographie Agricole de la France.


128p small paperback, grey and orange cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, pages ...


France in Modern Times. Second Edition.


x 488p large paperback, lime green cover, very good condition, light wear to edges, spine sunned, ...


The Miners of Decazeville. A Genealogy of Deindustrialization.


vi 333p hardback, blue cloth with white jacket, very good condition, light wear to jacket, binding ...


The Bretons against France. Ethnic Minority Nationalist in Twentieth-Century Brittany.


xxii 263p hardback, black cloth with maroon jacket, very good condition, light wear to jacket edges ...


Feuding, Conflict and Banditry in Nineteenth-Century Corsica.


ix 565p hardback, scarlet cloth with white jacket, very good condition, jacket tanned and with some ...


Chanzeaux. A Village in Anjou.


xvii 383p hardback, green and black cloth with green jacket, very good condition, light wear to ...


La Société Française. Volume 1: 1840 - 1914.


310p paperback, white cover with blue and black lettering, very good condition, light wear and some ...


Social Change in France.

vii 216p hardback, black cloth with black jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, ...


Atlas de la Révolution Française. Tome 8, Population.

92p large format paperback, white cover with black and red text, very good condition, light wear to ...


Atlas de la Révolution Française. Tome 2, L'Enseignement.

106p large format paperback, white cover with black and red text, very good condition, minimal ...


The Return of Alsace to France, 1918 - 1939.


vii 230p hardback, dustjacket, as new, never used, excellent copy


Cinquantième Anniversaire du Laboratoire de Géographie, Université de Rennes, 1902-1952. Volume Jubilaire.
(No Author)


454p paperback, tan cover, very good condition, light wear to covers and spine, binding a little ...


Fighting for France: Violence in Interwar French Politics.

xxxvii 218p hardback, dustjacket, as new, never used, excellent copy


Les Vins de l'Impossible.


94p square format hardback, navy cloth with lime-green jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to ...


How To Be Happy in Paris Without Being Ruined! With Picture Map in Four Colours.

223p hardback, crimson cloth, very good condition, light wear, pages neat and bright, foxing to a ...


Paris and Its Environs. Including 60 Maps and Plans.

lxiv 417p hardback, blue cloth with gilt lettering, very good condition, light wear commensurate ...




222p hardback, turquoise cloth with gilt lettering, good condition, wear to covers and edges, ...


Plan-Guide de Dijon. Avec Liste des Rues. 11e Edition.
(No Author)


64p stapled booklet with fold-out map, very good condition, minimal wear, pages and map clear and ...


France of the French.

x 271p hardback, green cloth with gilt title and crest, very good condition, light wear ...


Vincent de Paul, the Lazarist Mission, and French Catholic Reform.

x 312p hardback, dustjacket, as new, never used, excellent copy


France To-Day.

vii 329p hardback, scarlet cloth with gilt lettering, very good condition, very light wear ...


Between the River and the Hills. A Normandy Pastoral.

316p hardback, blue cloth with sunned spine, very good condition, light wear commensurate with age, ...


Histoire de la Pensée Géographique den France.


223p paperback, white cover, very good condition, wear to cover edges and surfaces, binding a ...


Histoires en Images.

60?p large format paperback, blue card cover, consists of images and suggestions of dialogue in ...


Marie Noël.


124p small format paperback, pink lettering to front, frontispiece, a well preserved copy, nice and ...


La Géographie Française au Milieu du XXe Siècle.

333p paperback, white and turquoise striped cover, very good condition, wear commensurate with age, ...


Les Sociétés Rurales Françaises. Eléments de Bibliographie Réunis par le Groupe de Sociologie Rurale du C.E.S.

124p paperback, tan cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding a little loose but intact, ...


L'Alsace au début du XIXe Siècle. Essais d'Histoire Politique, Économique et Religieuse (1815 - 1830). Tome 3 - Religions et Culture.


523p paperback, tanned white cover, very good condition, minimal wear, pages uncut and clean, ...


Les Capitaux et la Région. Étude Géographique.


xv 539p large paperback, tan cover, very good condition, minimal wear to cover edges and spine, ...


France Faces Depopulation.

xi 313p hardback, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, very good condition, little to no wear, ...


L'Aménagement Foncier Rural et la Technique du Remembrement.


447p large paperback, emerald green cover, very good condition, minimal wear, cover sunned, binding ...


Philippe Lamour 1903 - 1992. Père de L'Aménagement du Territoire en France.

369p paperback, white cover with photograph, very good condition, minimal wear, covers lightly ...


Les Disparités Régionales dans la Croissance de L'Agriculture Français.


179p paperback, white and moss green cover, very good condition, minimal wear to covers, spine ...


Recherches Metrologiques sur les Finages Lorrains. These Presentée devant l'Université de Paris IV - le 23 Fevrier 1974.


590p paperback, white cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, pages very clean and ...


Paysans Rouges du Limousin.


362p paperback, white cover with red lettering, very good condition, crease to back cover, spine ...


Sociabilité et Érudition. Les Sociétés Savantes en France, XIXe - XXe Siècles.

xix 479p small paperback, blue and yellow cover, very good condition, little to no wear, binding ...


Les Sociétés Immobilières en France au XIXe Siècle.


84p paperback, grey illustrated cover, very good condition, light marks to cover surfaces and ...


Le Socialisme dans le Cher, 1851 - 1921.

306p paperback, scarlet cover with transparent jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, spine ...


Le Peuple des Campagnes.


401p paperback, white cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding intact, name to endpaper, ...


Aspect l'Économie Nivernaise au XIXe Siècle.

xxix 553p large format hardback, laminated b&w cover, very good condition, light wear to cover ...


Guide d'Histoire du Québec. Du Régime Français à Nos Jours. Bibliographie Commentée. Nouvelle Édition, Revue et Augmentée.

354p paperback, photographic cover, like new condition, little to no wear, binding firm, pages ...


Canada and the French-Canadian Question.


219p hardback, navy cloth with dark grey and green jacket, very good condition, light wear ...


Histoire des Paysans Français du XVIIIe Siècle a Nos Jours.

548p large hardback, grass-green cloth with gilt lettering to spine, very good condition, a few ...


The Dissolution of Traditional Rural Culture in Nineteenth-Century France. A Study of the Bethmale Costume.


v 475p hardback, navy cloth with silver lettering to spine, binding firm, binding tight, pages very ...


Le Vigneron Citoyen. Mâconnais et Chalonnais (1848 - 1914).


325p paperback, blue and white covers, very good condition, light wear to cover edges, binding ...


Sociétés Paysannes. Élements pour une Théorie de la Paysannerie.


236p paperback, moss-green and white cover with flaps, very good condition, minimal wear to covers ...


Annalists and Historians: Western Historiography from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century.


viii 215p large paperback, excellent fresh copy, newspaper clipping inserted, very good


Le Quart Livre. Edition Critique Commentée par Robert Marichal.

xxxvi 413p paperback with grey cloth cover, fresh and clean copy, no names or stamps


The Story of Yves. A Breton Legend.

160p tan cloth with floral design to front, frontispiece, a well preserved copy, clean and firm




140p paperback, a very good copy, fresh and tight



140p paperback, a very good copy, with plates, fresh and tight




140p paperback, green cover, a very good copy, fresh and tight



140p paperback, very good copy, with illustrations, some faint pencil marks


Franken. (Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde)


approx 100p offprint from Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, yellow paper cover, well ...


Women and the Making of the Working Class. Lyon 1830 - 1870.

161p hardback, red cloth with red jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to jacket edges, ...


In Search of France. The Economy, Society and Political System in the Twentieth Century.

xi 441p paperback, red and blue cover, very good little-used condition, light wear to cover ...


The Revolutionary Idea in France 1789 - 1871.


vi 191p small hardback, green cloth with pale green jacket, very good condition, light wear ...


Les Sociétés de Géographie en France et l'Expansion Coloniale au XIXe Siècle.

236p paperback, grass-green cover, good condition, some wear to edge of back cover, binding intact, ...


Les Villes dans la France Modern (1740 - 1840).

490p large paperback, white cover, very good condition, covers slightly tanned, binding firm, pages ...


Montaillou, Village Occitan de 1294 à 1324.

640p hardback, grey cloth with colour photograph jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to ...


Geographie Historique de la France.

635p paperback, maroon cover with illustration, very good condition, wear to cover edges, binding ...


Géographie de la Bretagne. Volumes 1 - 2.

283p 464p paperbacks, turquoise covers with glassine jackets, both volumes in good condition, light ...


Les Ouvriers de la Région Lyonnaise. Volume 1. La Formation de la Classe Ouvrière Régionale.


573p large paperback, sunned white cover, very good condition, minimal wear to cover edges, binding ...


Les Régions Géographique de la France. Two Volumes, Second Editions.

212p 217p paperbacks, pink and violet covers, good condition, light wear to covers, binding intact ...


Pont-de-Montvert. Social Structure and Politics in a French Village, 1700 - 1914.

xv 217p hardback, maroon cloth with violet jacket, very good condition, light wear to jacket, ...


Les Paysans Français contre l'Agrarisme.

224p paperback, white and blue cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, covers a ...


Agriculture in France on the Eve of the Railway Age.


239p hardback, dark brown cloth with illustrated jacket, very good condition, light wear to jacket ...


L'Eau de Neige. Le Tiède et le Frais.

474p large paperback, white cover with illustration, very good condition, minimal wear to cover and ...


Regionalism in France.


x 129p hardback, maroon cloth with gilt lettering, very good condition, light wear commensurate ...


Histoire des Levées de la Loire.


312p large paperback, tan covers with brown text, very good condition, light wear commensurate with ...


Enseigner l'Histoire à l'École Primaire de la IIIe République.

243p paperback, white cover, good condition, minimal wear, binding a little stiff but intact, pages ...


The Development of Technical Education in France, 1500 - 1850.


x 274p hardback, maroon cloth with scarlet jacket, good condition, light wear to jacket edges and ...


Les Luttes de Classes dans les Campagnes.

482p paperback, white cover, very good condition, minimal wear to covers, spine sunned, binding ...


Mobility, Elites and Education in French Society of the Second Empire.

203p hardback, black cloth with silver lettering, very good condition, minimal wear, one or two ...


Géographie des Odeurs.

247p paperback, white and yellow cover with illustration, minimal wear, spine sunned, binding ...


Le Paysage et la Vigne. Essais de Géographie Historique.


297p paperback, lime green cover, very good condition, minimal wear, spine fade, binding firm, ...


Le Département de L'Isère sous la Troisième République 1870 - 1940. Histoire Sociale et Politique.


597p hardback, beige cover with lime-green jacket, good condition, light wear to jacket ...


Les Charbonnages du Nord de la France au XIXe Siècle.


508p large paperback, purple and white cover, good used condition, light wear to covers and spine, ...


Enterprise and Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century France.

xx 207p hardback, laminated maroon cover with gilt lettering, like new condition, no noticeable ...


L'Agriculture et la Société Rurale dans le Pas-de-Calais due Milieu du XIXe Siècle à 1914. Two Volumes.

340p 624p paperbacks, plain beige covers, very good condition, minimal wear to covers and edges, ...


Le Mouvement du Profit en France au XIXe Siècle. Matériaux et Études.

465p paperback, white and grey cover, good condition, light wear to cover edges, covers a little ...


Economic Growth in Britain in France 1780 - 1914. Two Paths to the Twentieth Century.

205p hardback, black cloth with orange jacket, good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, jacket ...


Histoire de la Bretagne de 1789 à nos Jours. Contribution à une Critique de l'Idéologie Nationaliste.


343p paperback, grey and black cover, very good condition, light wear to covers and edges, binding ...


La Crise d'une Société Villageoise. "Les Survivanciers" - Les Paysans du Jura Français (1800 - 1970).

x 399p paperback, white cover with red lettering, good condition, light wear to cover edges and ...


Les Sources de la Géographie de la France aux Archives Nationales.
(No Author)


120p hardback, brown cloth with gilt lettering to spine, like new condition, no noticeable wear, ...


A Negotiated World. Three Centuries of Change in a French Alpine Community.

xv 234p hardback, grey cloth with black and white photo jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, ...


Les Sapeurs-Pompiers au XIXe Siècle. Associations Volontaires en Milieu Populaire.


174p paperback, grey cover with photograph and green text, good condition, minimal wear, binding ...


Paysans de l'Ouest.


384p paperback, white cover, very good condition, light wear to covers, name to endpaper, binding ...


La Fin des Paysans.


436p paperback, colour illustrated cover, very good condition, light wear to spine and edges, ...


La Région de l'Ouest.

160p hardback, colourful photographic cover, very good condition, light wear commensurate with age, ...


Revue Stratégique No 81. La Géographie Militaire.

184p paperback, white cover, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, pages very clean and ...


Histoire et Sociétés Rurales. Premières Tables Décennales Nos 1 - 20 (1994 - 2003).

176p hardback, colourful laminated cover, like new condition, binding tight with ribbon in place, ...


France Agriculture.

136p square format hardback, bright green cover, good condition, light wear to covers and edges, ...


[Delicious Story from Paris]


272p small format paperback, book entirely in Japanese, peach cover and illustrated white jacket, ...


Mémento de Grammaire Française.

166p hardback, canary yellow cloth, good condition, some wear to cover edges and surfaces, slightly ...


Austriaca. Number 61, 2005. Elias Canetti á la Bibliothéque Nationale de France.


297p paperback, lime green cover, very good condition, minimal wear to covers, spine sunned, ...


Austrian Studies. Volume 13, 2005. Austria and France.

vii 291p paperback, white and grass-green cover, very good condition, minimal wear to covers and ...
