Books on Spain

Click here to compile your own catalogue by any combination of subject terms.

Obra Poética Completa.


304p green paperback, well preserved copy, a few pages with pencil underlining, name written to top ...


Maqroll: Three Novellas.


289p solid paperback, light traces of use, still very good


Aunque Caminen por el Valle de la Muerte.

248p tall paperback, red banderole to cover, excellent copy, as new


Los Rios Perdidos de Londres.


251p tall paperback, black illustrated cover, fresh and clean copy, first edition


Listen to Me. (2008 - 2013)


200p tall paperback, portrait to cover, very good, no names or stamps, a little slanted, this book ...


Historia General de las Literaturas Hispanicas. Volume 3: Renacimiento y Barroco.

1035p strong very thick volume with dustjacket in excellent condition, light foxing to page edges, ...


The Carafas of Maddaloni: Naples under Spanish Dominion.

xiv 430p hardback, dark green embossed cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cloth a little faded, a ...


The Crafty Farmer. A Spanish Folk-Tale Entitled How a Crafty Farmer with the Advice of his Wife Deceived some Merchants.

31p yellow boards, good condition, binding intact, covers a bit grubby and sunned, spine surface ...


La Ensenanza de las Matematicas en las Academias Militares en Espana en el Siglo XIX.

380p paperback, bright orange cover, fresh and clean copy, as new


Spanishe Reise.


365p hardback, dark green cloth with gilt design, very good condition, only a little light wear to ...


Misa Criolla. Folk Mass Based on the Rhythms and Traditions of Hispanic America.


60p stapled musical score, beige cover with b&w artwork, good condition, binding intact, musical ...


Listen & Enjoy Spanish Poetry.

143p paperback and audio cassette in cardboard sleeve, very good condition, a little light wear, ...


The Book of Tahkemoni. Jewish Tales from Medieval Spain.

xxi 710p large thick paperback, scarlet cover with illustration, very good condition, a bit of ...


92p paperback, grey cover with black glyph design, like new condition, little to no wear, pages ...


72p paperback, white cover with brown jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to jacket, light ...



256p hardback, blue laminated boards, like new condition, no noticeable wear, tight binding, pages ...


(No Author)


94p paperback with turquoise cover, like new condition, no significant wear, tight binding, pages ...


El 'Señor del Zoco' en España: Edades media y moderna, Contribucion al Estudio de la Historia del Mercado.

lxix 761p large format hardback, library rebound in plain red cloth with white lettering to spine, ...


Comandas Comerciales Barcelonesas de la Baja Edad Media.

467p library rebound in firm blue cloth, very tight and clean copy, a few facsimile plates in the ...


322p large format paperback, illustrated cover, many illustrations in the text, a fresh and clean ...


Literatura Sefardita de Oriente.


xxviii 426p rebound in bright red full library cloth, tight and firm binding, text all clean, ...


The Mesolithic of the Atlantic Facade: Proceedings of the Santander Symposium.

xii 262p large format paperback, A4 format, light blue card cover, a fresh and clean copy without ...


430p very large and heavy paperback, black illustrated cover, many colour illustrations, tables, ...


Les Premiers Hommes Modernes de la Peninsule Iberique: Actes du Colloque de la Commission VIII de l'UISPP.

291p large format paperback, grey cover, A4 size, illustrated, also in colour, excellent condition, ...


La Producción Laminar en El Chatelperroniense de Cueva Morín. Modalidades, Intenciones y Objetivos.

16p offprint, Trabajos de Prehistoria Volume 62, Number 1, 2005, white cover with staple binding, ...


El Solutrense vasco-cantábrico: Una nueva perspectiva.

173p large format paperback, bright yellow cover, any tables and maps and illustrations, with ...


59p plus 65 full page illustrations, large format paperback, bright red cover, a fresh and clean ...


El Origen del Hombre Moderno en el Suroeste de Europa.

large format paperback, grey cover, light signs of age, a few pages with red ink annotations, many ...


El Musteriense de la Cuenca del Ebro.

326p large format paperback, A4 format, white cover, many iullustrations, a tight and clean copy


Cueva Morin. Excavaciones 1969.

298p large format paperback, larger than A4, blue card cover, many maps, plates, illustrations and ...


Cueva Morin. Excavaciones 1966 - 1968.

452p large format paperback, larger than A4, blue card cover, many maps, plates, illustrations and ...


Hints to Business Men: Spain (Including the Canary Islands).

56p stapled paperback, purple cover, a fresh clean and tight copy, very good indeed


72p stapled paperback, purple cover, a fresh clean and tight copy, very good indeed, with period ...


Art in Spain and Portugal.

375p green cloth with firm spine and tight binding, plates throughout, also 4 colour plates, a nice ...


85p slim white paperback, cover a little dusty, edges show foxing, no names or stamps, original, ...


524p 566p two volumes in full reddish calf, top edge gilt, gilt decor to spine, white jacket ...



142p light green paperback, as new, no names or stamps, never used


340p grey paperback, binding tight, the entire volume is un-cut, never used, no name or stamps, ...


330p grey paperback with red lettering, binding tight, the entire volume is un-cut, never used, no ...


The Oxford Book of Portuguese Verse: XIIth Century - XXth Century.


320p blue cloth with gilt lettering and frame very fresh, no names or stamps, very attractive copy, ...


This Happened in My Presence. Moriscos, Old Christians, and the Spanish Inquisition in the Town of Deza, 1569 - 1611.

lxxx 184p paperback, like new condition, black painted cover with yellow spine, no wear, binding ...



279p hardback with silver illustrated jacket, a fresh and clean copy, never used, excellent copy of ...


La Cultura del Barocco. Analisi di una Struttura Storica.

xviii 432p hardback, white dustjacket, a tight and clean copy, no names, no traces of used, some ...


Il Cappello a Tre Punte.

164p brown cloth hardback with gilt lettering to spine and front cover, boards with minor wear, ...


Exiled From Almost Everywhere. (The Posthumous Life of The Monsters of Le Sentier)

135p paperback, black and white cover, very good condition, minimal wear to cover edges, binding ...


The Spanish Civil War. Domestic Crisis or International Conspiracy?

xii 112p large paperback, green cover, essays and criticism, cover a little dusty, still very good


Temeljna Nacela i Dužnosti Hrvatskih Boraca u Emigraciji.
(No Author)


88p paperback, lemon-yellow cover with red text and crest, very good condition, binding tight, ...


I Poeti Surrealisti Spagnoli. Saggio Introduttivo e Antologia.

cxxiii 508p large hardback, lime-green cloth with white jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, ...


Breve Storia della Letteratura Spagnola. Dalla Fine del Medioevo ai Poeti degli Anni '90.


266p paperback, sky-blue cover, very good condition, binding tight, minimal wear, spine a bit ...


Pongo la Mano sobre España.

148p paperback, blue and white cover with photograph, very good condition, some light wear and ...


Il Pitocco.

238p brown cloth hardback with gilt lettering to spine and front cover, edges sharp, binding tight, ...


Teatro del "Siglo de Oro." Calderón de la Barca.

lxi 983p brown cloth hardback with light blue and transparent dustjackets present, navy card ...


Teatro del "Siglo de Oro." Tirso de Molina.

xlvii 935p brown cloth hardback with light blue and transparent dustjackets present, navy card ...


Teatro del "Siglo de Oro." Lope de Vega.


lxxxvii 1369p brown cloth hardback with light blue and transparent dustjackets present, navy card ...


Don Giovanni Tenorio.


180p grey card cover, tight copy, no names or stamps, small pen mark to front cover, spine no ...


Il Libro delle Delizie.


134p grey card cover, tight copy, no names or stamps, spine square, first edition, "volume doppio ...


Falchi d'Altri Tempi.

128p grey card cover, tight copy, spotting to covers and edges, no names or stamps, spines square, ...


Il Bagliore de Falò.

131p grey card cover, tight copy, spotting to covers and edges, no names or stamps, spines square, ...


I Crociati della Causa.

116p grey card cover, tight copy, spotting to covers and edges, no names or stamps, spines square, ...


Poesie. Traduzione di Salvatore Quasimodo, Illustrazioni di Renato Guttuso.


174p large format paperback, illustrated inside and out by Guttuso, first edition, no names or ...


Quevedo: Los Sueños.


87p olive paperback with white lettering, bibliography, fresh clean copy without names or stamps, ...


Manuel Machado: 50 Anos Despues. (Estafeta Literaria. No 1, 1997)
(No Author)


42p large journal format, printed in blue ink, with illustrations, single issue of Estafeta ...


Christians and Moors in Spain. Volume 1. AD 711 to 1150.


x 179p paperback, bright yellow cover with illustration, very good condition, minimal wear, pages ...


Galicia y los Gallegos en la Alta Edad Media. Demographía. Volumes 1 & 2.

307p 422p two paperback volumes, white covers with b&w illustrations, very good condition, minimal ...


Estructura Social de la Ciudad de León. Siglos XI-XIII.

570p burgundy board hardback, binding tight, edges sharp, name in pencil, otherwise pages clean and ...


Ganaderia y Desarrollo Agrario en Asturias Durante la Edad Media (Siglos IX-XIII).

322p white and peach paperback, first volume, binding and hinges intact, slight creasing to spine, ...


From Slavery to Feudalism in South-Western Europe.

xi 352p hardback, earth-brown cloth with gilt lettering to spine, like new condition, little to no ...


El Monasterio de San Pedro de Cardeña. Historia de un Dominio Monástico Castellano (902 - 1338).

302p paperback, beige cover with black and red text, good condition, some wear to spine and cover ...


El Dominio del Monasterio de San Millán de la Cogolla (Siglos X a XIII). Introducción a la Historia Rural de Castilla Altomedieval.

366p large format paperback, beige cover with red and black lettering, very good condition, minimal ...


La Sociedad Hispanomusulmana al Final del Califato. Aproximación a un Estudio Demográfico.

222p paperback, white cover with green designs, very good condition, light marks to covers and ...


Moorish Spain.

xii 183p paperback, brown and white illustrated cover, very good condition, spine sunned, binding ...


La Ganadería Medieval en la Península Ibérica.

287p cream paperback, binding and hinges intact, slightly used volume, minor wear, light pencil ...


Dominio del Monasterio de Sahagún en el Siglo X.

246p cream paperback, binding and hinges intact, slightly used volume, minor wear, light pencil ...


The Archaeology of Early Medieval Villages in Europe.

469p large format paperback, heavy volume, larger than A4, Brown card cover, illustrated ...


I Privilegi dell'Età.

37p large format paperback, dark green card cover, a fresh and tight copy, no names or stamps, ...


Histoire de l'Espagne Musulmane. Volume 3: Le Siècle du Califat de Cordoue.

576p large paperback with grey-blue card cover, a very tight and firm copy that has never been ...


Histoire de l'Espagne Musulmane. Volume 2: Le Califat Umaiyade de Cordoue: 912 - 1031.

435p large paperback with grey-blue card cover, a very tight and firm copy that has never been ...


Por nuestra musica.


xv 134p hardback, black cloth, facsimile of original title mounted to front board, a tight and ...


Sixteenth Century Pottery in Castille: A Documentary Study. Essay in Burlington Magazine, May 1991.


14p essay, illustrated throughout, for sale is the entire issue (Decorative Arts and Sculpture) ...


La Stella di Siviglia. Traduzione col testo a fronte, introduzione e note a cura di Alfredo Giannini.


xxvii 190p small format hardback, white boards, clean and tight, no names or stamps, nice copy, ...


Il Miglior Giudice è il Re. Tradotto e illustrato col testo a fronte, a cura di Angelo Monteverdi.


xxxvi 246p small format hardback, white boards, clean and tight, no names or stamps, nice copy, ...


Pepita Jimenez.


315p green cloth fresh and tight, frontispiece, excellent copy, translated by Mario Puccini


Nozze di Sangue.

186p paperback, jacket present, front of jacket a little soiled, text clean and fresh, translated ...


Belarmino e Apollonio.

260p hardback with interesting spine construction, red advertising band present, very nicely ...


Los Majos de Cadiz.

187p paperback with fresh blue jacket, 4th printing, a few faint pencil marks to the text, tight ...


La Celestina. Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea.

148p paperback, grey dustjacket fresh, clean and tight copy, sixth printing


La Celestina.

229p paperback with green wrapper, nice clean copy, "Pesetas 24" sticker to back cover, third ...


San Isidoro, Cervantes y otros Estudios.

168p paperback with green wrapper, nice clean copy


Flor Nueva de Romances Viejos.

226p paperback, purple jacket a little browned, text clean and binding tight, good copy with ...


Antología de Prosistas Españoles.

261p paperback fresh green jacket present, nice tight copy, "Volumen Extra", Septima Edicion, price ...


Rinconete y Cortadillo e La Senora Cornelia. A Cura di Franco Meregalli.

145p paperback, frontispiece, a tight copy, a few pages with pencil underlining, hardly used, well ...


Pepita Jimenez.


200p paperback, pink cover fresh and tight and square, excellent copy, no year of publication


La Gallega Mari-Hernandez. La Firmeza en la Hermosura. Refundidas por F Perez Capo. Segunda Edicion.

162p paperback with grey wrapper, nice clean copy, very good


Mateo Aleman.


153p paperback with orange wrapper, nice clean copy, first printing, very good


Poema de Fernan Gonzalez.
(No Author)


143p paperback with grey wrapper, nice clean copy, first printing, very good


Los Sueños. Tercera Edicion.

246p original paperback, grey jacket very good, binding clean and tight, nice clean copy, very good


Person and God in a Spanish Valley. New Revised Edition.

xv 236p paperback, pale green cover, good condition, wear to cover edges, spine sunned, binding ...


Le Monte dans les Chaînes Subbétiques Centrales (Espagne du Sud).


224p paperback, crimson cover with white jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, binding tight, ...


Landscapes of Bacchus. The Vine in Portugal.

xiv 210p hardback, purple cloth with white and purple jacket, very good condition, minimal wear to ...


Assembling the Tropics: Science and Medicine in Portugal's Empire, 1450-1700.


xix 364p hardback, dustjacket, as new, never used, excellent copy


Revista de Cultura. International Edition. No 35, July 2010.

156p A4 format, illustrated throughout, excellent copy, new, interesting essays in English and ...


Migration in Colonial Spanish America.


xvii 399p hardback, brown cloth with turquoise jacket, very good condition, minimal wear, jacket ...


El Hospital de Santa Cruz y San Pablo. El Hospital de Barcelona.

248p oversized hardback, dustjacket present, small piece missing at back, many plates, excellent ...


Game Theory and the Transition to Democracy: The Spanish Model.

xii 134p black hardback, light library markings, small dent to top of spine, a clean and tight ex ...


The Erich Koenig Collection of 19th and 20th Century Stamps and Covers of Mexico. New York, May 30, 1995. Sale 6673.
(No Author)


approx 140p A4 format, burgundy cover with gilt eagle, illustrations throughout, some in colour, ...


México, Correo Marítimo, Colección de Isaac y Alicia Backal.

approx 80p A4 format, paperback, colour illustrated throughout, excellent copy, many interesting ...


The Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies.


490p 470p two volumes in the original blindstamped cloth, spine lettered gilt is dull but outer ...


Vine and Olive; or: Young America in Spain and Portugal. A Story of Travel and Adventure. (Young America Abroad)

412p original brown cloth very well preserved, bright and clean and square, all hinges holding ...


Goya: Los Fusilamientos.

6p card folder, crimson cover with set of nine slides, very good condition, minimal wear, text ...


Els Artistes i la Sardana: La Sardana: Una Dansa per al Món; La Sardana: Una Danza para el Mundo; The Sardana: A Dance for the Whole World.
(No Author)


128p hardback, white laminated cloth with photograph, very good condition, minimal wear, one or two ...


Godoy, Master of Spain. 1792 - 1808.

249p hardback, navy cloth without jacket, very good condition, light wear commensurate with age, ...


Archivio General de Indias. Audiencia de Santo Domingo, 1770 - 75. 80-1-7.


We have here a series of typescripts, approx from 1950, with the name Alexandro O'Reilly and the ...


A Concise History of Spain.

xiii 345p paperback, blue cover, very good condition, minimal wear, bookplate to inside cover, ...


The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Santa Maria del Monte.


xvii 427p large format paperback, excellent copy, as new, many plates and illustrations, a tight ...


Belmonte de los Caballeros: Anthropology and History in an Aragonese Community.

xii 369p paperback, brown cover, fresh clean copy, spine not creased, no traces of use, very good ...


The Spanish Anarchists - The Heroic Years 1868 - 1936.

344p blue paperback, fresh and clean copy, paper yellowing a little, well preserved and original


Crime and Society in Early Modern Seville.

xii 298p hardback, dark red dustjacket (protected), excellent copy without name or stamps or signs ...


Vocabulario Popular Mexicano.

139p original green paperback a little aged and yellowed, this copy entirely un-cut, never read, ...


Obras Selectas. Prologo de Julian Marias

1070p thick hardback, fine paper, full calf binding morocco style red leather with gilt spine well ...


The Mayor of Zalamea or, The Best Garrotting Ever Done.

ix 109p paperback, terracotta cover with photograph, very good condition, very little wear, binding ...


A Note-Book in Northern Spain.

263p original brown cloth with white triangular flag to front, top edge gilt, light library ...


Celestine. Or the Tragick - Comedie of Calisto and Melibea.

xiii 268p paperback, beige cover, good used condition, some light wear to cover edges and corners, ...


Zirids of Granada.


208p green cloth binding very fresh, light library markings, a clean and tight copy, a few faint ...


Cardinal Ximenes: Statesman, Ecclesiastic, Soldier and Man of Letters with an Account of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible.


119p worn and aged hardcover, spine tearing and board edges rubbed with loss, ex library with ...


Society and Documentation in Crusader Valencia.


xi 274p hardback, fresh dustjacket, excellent copy, as new, no traces of use, this is volume 1: ...


Finale: Iberian Interlude. Touring Spain and Portugal with Olive and Don Kelsey.

141p spiral bound, small format, covering a trip to the Spain and Portugal, this volume edited by ...


Hispano-Arabic Poetry and Its Relations with the Old Provençal Troubadours.

xxvii 416p hardback, amber cloth with gilt lettering to spine, very good condition, minimal wear, ...


Coleccion de Textos Aljamiados.

xix 167p library rebound in plain boards, gilt lettering to cloth spine, perforating stamp to title ...


The Troubadour Revival. A Study of Social Change and Traditionalism in Late Medieval Spain.


xvi 219p hardback, terracotta cloth with yellow jacket, very good condition, some very light wear ...


Lessons of the Spanish Revolution, 1936 - 1939.

240p paperback with red cover, black lettering to front, frontispiece, well preserved copy, a ...


Guia Para Viajeros Medievales. (Oriente - Siglos XIII - XV)

435p thick paperback, colour illustration to front, excellent fresh and clean copy with author ...


Catálogo de Sellos de la Sección de Sigilografía del Archivo Histórico Nacional. Tomo 1: Sellos Reales

619p very thick paperback, heavy tome, excellent condition, no name or stamps, almost as new, with ...


Peregrinos, Monges e Guerreiros: Feudo-Clericalismo e Religiosidade em Castela Medieval.


291p paperback, author inscription, excellent clean and tight copy, very well preserved


Sir John Moore's Peninsular Campaign 1808 - 1809.


xii 290p large format paperback, cover a little sunned, a fresh and tight copy with light library ...


The Transformation of the Castilian Municipalities: The Case of Burgos, 1248 - 1350.


32p offprint, grey card cover, as new, clean and tight


La Formazione el Mercato della Terra nella Castiglia nel Basso Medioevo.


25p offprint, as new, clean and tight


The Business of Salvation: Castilian Wills in the Late Middle Ages.


30p essays, offprint with brown paper cover, stapled, very good indeed


El Reino de Valencia en el Siglo XIII. (Iglesia y Sociedad).

xii 392p ii 380p two volumes grey hardback, fresh and clean set, without name or stamps


Moros, Cristians i Jueus en el Regne Croat de València.

hardback volume, as new, with dustjacket


Interlinear to Cabeza de Vaca. His Relation of the Journey Florida to the Pacific, 1528 - 1536.


35p small neat hardback, scarlet cloth with gilt lettering, printed acetate jacket, very good ...


Granada: Memories, Adventures, Studies and Impressions.

illustrated hardback, a well preserved copy, many plates, colour frontispiece, top edge gilt, light ...


Christians and Moors in Spain. Volume 3: Arabic Sources.

xvii 202p paperback, canary yellow cover, very good condition, minimal wear to covers and edges, ...


Art and Culture Around 1492. 1992 Seville Universal Exposition.


408p large format paperback, blue cover with illustrations, very good condition, binding firm, ...


Encyclopédie Occitane.


211p paperback, black photographic cover, very good condition, light wear to cover surfaces, ...


Trobei Pastora. Studio sulle Pastorelle Occitane.

291p paperback, black cover with illustration, very good condition, minimal wear to cover, binding ...


Staging Marriage in Early Modern Spain. Conjugal Doctrine in Lope, Cervantes, and Calderón.

xvii 136p hardback, laminated red and black boards, very good condition, minimal wear, name to ...


La Tradició de l'Epigrafia Romana al Renaixement. Patrimoni Bibliogràfic Català.

99p paperback, pink cover with flaps, very good condition, minimal wear, binding firm, spine a ...


The Rosary Cantoral. Ritual and Social Design in a Chantbook from Early Renaissance Toledo.

x 212p hardback, red and white illustrated cover, new condition, no visible wear, excellent copy ...


Diego de San Pedro. Obras. Ed. Samuel Gili y Gaya.

xxxvii 249p rough-cut paperback, beige cover, good condition, light wear to cover edges and spine, ...


Literatura Popular Arabe.


291p paperback, blue cover with pattern, very good condition, light wear to cover edges, binding ...


Religiöse Poesie der Juden in Spanien.


xx 365p hardback, blue cloth with gilt lettering, very good condition, binding firm, light wear and ...


Tirant Lo Blanc.

446p paperback, red cover with illustration, very good condition, minimal wear to cover edges and ...


Cuentistica Medieval en Espana: Los Origines.


217p paperback, light green covers, good condition, minimal wear, some light marks to cover, ...


Mesias, Cruzadas, Utopias: El judeo-cristianismo en las sociedades ibéricas.


210p black paperback with illustrated cover, paper yellowing a little, a few marginal ink marks to ...


Lessons of the Spanish Revolution, 1936 - 1939.

258p paperback with red and black cover, frontispiece, well preserved copy, third edition


The Poem of the Cid: Dual Language Edition.


xxxi 301p paperback, price sticker to front, well preserved, bi-lingual edition


The Usatges of Barcelona - The Fundamental Law of Catalonia.


xii 140p blue paperback, some stickyness where a label has been removed, else a fresh and unused ...


Localizacion, Autoria y Fecha de una Fabula Mitologica atribuida a Collado del Hierro.

12p stapled offprint, author inscription, very good


Spanish History. Selected Texts from the Fall of Grenada in 1492 to Modern Times.

xxiii 199p hardback with fresh dustjacket, clean and tight copy, excellent


vi 419p hardback, green cloth with gilt lettering, good condition, light wear commensurate with ...


Andalusian Lyrical Poetry and Old Spanish Love Songs: The Muwashshah and its Kharja.


xvii 147p hardback, grey cloth with white and red jacket, very good condition, minimal wear and ...



318p hardback, blue cloth without jacket, good condition, light wear to cover edges and spine, ...


(No Author)


213p hardback, black cloth with turquoise jacket, very good condition, light wear to jacket and ...


The Heptameron. Tales and Novels of Marguerite, Queen of Navarre. Volume the Fourth.

x 243p large hardback, white cloth with gilt design, top edge gilt, very good condition, binding ...


The Urban Scale of Science and the Enlargement of Madrid (1851 - 1936)


40p offprint, blue card cover, author note, excellent


Dal Socialfascismo alla Guerra di Spagna. Ricordi e Riflessioni di un Militante Comunista.

375p this copy rebound as hardback in plain burgundy cloth with gilt lettering to spine, many ...


Dictionary of Quotations (Spanish).

vii 462p hardback, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, very good condition, ex libris ...


El Romancero Judeo-Español en el Archivo Menendez Pidal.

408p 394p 358p three volumes in bright and firm burgundy cloth, bright gilt lettering and ornaments ...


Don Quijote de la Mancha. Volumes 1 and 2.

669p 670p paperback, two volumes, green covers, very good condition, light wear to cover edges, ...


50p large format paperback, bright red cover, very good condition, minimal wear to edges, binding ...



390p hardback, yellow and red cloth cover without jacket, like new condition, binding tight, pages ...


(No Author)


344p large paperback journal, card covers with blue and red illustration, good condition, minimal ...


471p hardback, black cloth with b&w photographic cover, like new, book with no significant wear, ...


Franco's "Neutrality" and British Policy.

16p small-format booklet, very good condition, minimal wear commensurate with age, staple binding ...


Goya Visto Por Un Médico.

42p hardback in brown cover with illustration, good condition, some light wear to corners and ...


Vida y Virtudes del Venerable Siervo de Dios el Padre Christoval de Santa Cathalina, Presbytero, Natural de la Ciudad de Mérida. Tercera Impression.

xxvi 366p original soft vellum binding well preserved but creased, old lettering to spine, ink ...


Indigenous Culture and the Process of Romanization in Iberian Galicia.


20p offprint, very well preserved, author note, also includes additional offprint by the same ...


Bibliografia Paleográfica.

xxxviii 932p very thick and heavy paperback volume (a "brick"), colour frontispiece, a few plates, ...


this is a 10p essay in the Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, for ...


Pobresa i Marginació a la Catalunya il·lustrada: Dides, Expòsits i Hospicians.

591p thick paperback, excellent condition, as new, with colour plates


The Business of Salvation: Castilian Wills in the Late Middle Ages.


30p offprint, faint brown paper cover, a very clean and tight copy


Renonciation des Bourbons d'Espagne au Trône de France.

324p original paperback, clean copy, binding holding but fragile, well preserved


Poema de mio Cid. Edición Facsimil del Codice de Per Abat, conservado en la Biblioteca Nacional.

appox 240p paperback, facsimile throughout, together with the second volume (116p) which contains ...



18p stapled booklet, some wear and marks to cover edges and corners, pages fair condition, some ...



254p period paperback, heart illustration to cover, many plates, a tight and clean copy, spine not ...


xi 24p plus plates, stapled catalogue, very good



415 yellow and blue paperback, light wear to cover, pages clean, binding firm, Spanish language



32p pamphlet, bright yellow cover, very good



220p hardback, a fresh copy, clean pages, firm binding, in excellent condition, like new, scarce


284p paperback, a fresh copy, in excellent condition, clean and firm, new



vi 165p olive cloth, clean pages, firm binding, a fresh copy, in very good condition, scarce first ...



346p red cloth, black lettering to front and spine, frontispiece, crack to front hinge, board ...


xvi 551p navy cloth, gilt lettering to spine, clean pages, firm, spine edges a little dull, a good ...


Studies in Modern Spanish Literature and Art.


ix 259p paperback, decorative cover in very good condition, clean pages, firm binding, a well ...



419p maroon pebbled cloth, bevelled edges, pale blue equestrian cameo to front board, spine faded ...



x 203p cloth, dustjacket present, unclipped, a fresh and clean copy of the first UK edition: ...


A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish.

xv 431p hardback with fresh dustjacket, piece of front endpaper torn out, fresh copy, pages clean, ...



16p A4 format, orange cover, stapled, include: Spain's Yesterdays, very good condition


280p small format, brown cloth fresh, gilt décor to spine, nice clean copy



150p original paperback with illustrated cover, glassine jacket present, author inscription, ...


220p this copy library re-bound in plain green cloth, bookplate and and shelf notation to endpapers ...


436p hardback with fresh dustjacket, an excellent copy, as new, never used


vii 397p paperback, a fresh copy, clean and firm, excellent, new



viii 304p hardback, a fresh copy, clean, firm binding, in excellent condition



77p slim paperback, clean text, firm bind, a fresh copy, in very good condition



10 postcards presented in an illustrated card wallet, well preserved souvenir item, in very good ...


159p hardback with white illustrated dustjacket, sunned to spine and top edge, small smudge to ...



apprx 24p slim paperback, illustrated throughout, texts by Ricardo Aroca, Gloria Fuertes, Cristobal ...


403p thick paperback, black cover, fresh clean copy, with illustrations, papers from the 1983 ...


519p thick paperback, black cover, fresh clean copy, with illustrations, papers from the 1983 ...


555p large format hardback, green cloth bright, elaborate gilt décor to front fresh, as new, never ...


312p original paperback in excellent condition, contains maps, as new


(No Author)


236p paperback, large format, very good


(No Author)


184p paperback, large format, very good


122p red illustrated jacket, tables, very good


132p illustrated paperback, with colour illustration to front, very good


156p illustrated paperback, with colour plates and folding maps, very good


72p illustrated paperback, with colour plates and folding maps, in very good


132p illustrated paperback, with colour plates in the back, very good



94p blue paperback, privately published (?), offers extended extracts, commentary and notes, no ...


342p large format paperback, frontispiece and additional plates, excellent fresh copy, first edition



205p paperback, excellent copy, as new, privately published


571p very large format hardback with clean dustjacket, fresh and tight copy, as new


(No Author)


200p large format paperback, very well preserved, many illustrations, also in colour, as new


180p green paperback, some underlining in pencil, otherwise very good, Spanish language


Cartas Finlandesas.


224p full calf binding ornamental blindstamping to boath boards, spine with two title labels, first ...


Toros y Toreros 1922. Detalles y Apreciacion de la Temporada.

318p bound in red boards with red cloth spine, gilt lettering to spine, many tables, printed with ...


Campos Semanticos.


approx 120p large format paperback, many illustrations throughout, experimental typography, ...


Mundo a Solas (1934 - 1936).

approx 120p large format paperback, with reproductions of manuscript (folding), excellent, first ...


Los Sueños.

102p original paperback, this copy entirely un-cut, first edition, excellent


Creación del Mito.

36p large format paperback, white cover, entirely un-cut copy, excellent, also contains "siete ...


Delirio de los días.

64p large format, white card cover protected with original transparent film jacket, jacket ...


xv 198p paperback, a clean copy, firm, in excellent condition, like new


Se Hizo dura la Faz de la Tierra. (Extract from: Doce Jovenes Poetas Espanoles)

16p stapled booklet, author inscription, very good


80p white paperback, excellent condition, as new, Spanish language



69p paperback exhibition catalogue, brown illustrated card cover very well illustrated, Spanish ...


416p large format paperback, A4 format, heavy volume, many illustrations and maps, this is Volume ...


168p blue paperback, fresh clean copy, library stamp, with maps and plates


xxxii 424p x 477p light green cloth, "EL" monogram to spine, light library markings and glue traces ...



xiv 515p burgundy cloth with blindstamped floral thistle design to boards, spine lettered gilt, ...


491p large format paperback, many colour plates, new copy, never used


311p large format paperback, many photographic illustrations throughout, well preserved, author (?) ...


grey paperback, binding worn and defective, text clean, 4th edition, a poor copy, any takers?


58p small hardback with printed red boards and matching red dustjacket, a couple of tears and small ...


110p paperback, photographic illustration to cover, page edges yellowing, text clean


British Involvement in the Spanish Civil War 1936 - 1939.


27p red booklet, stapled binding, undated, transcriptions of 27 interviews recorded between 1976 ...



xv 230p hardback, a fresh dustjacket, illustrated, index, a firm and clean copy, like new


408p thick heavy paperback, little used, well illustrated catalogue, Spanish language


298p white paperback, small discreet university library stamp to title page, otherwise as new, Vol ...


326p original paperback, entirely un-cut copy, first printing, light markings from a Cambridge ...


vii 847p black boards with calf spine, lettered gilt "Seone's Neuman and Baretti's Spanish ...


313p very large paperback, cover cleanly detached but binding holding well, many folding maps, many ...


523p very large format, paperback, a heavy book, from a library, many plates and illustrations and ...


(No Author)


47p stapled booklet, colour illustration to front showing 4 ships as depicted on old ceramic tiles, ...


309p blue hardback, edges dusty/browning, text clean, pencil note to title page, very good


xxvi 246p original paperback, entirely uncut, piece missing from half title, very good



454p large paperback, excellent condition, 7 page "Supplemento" by Manuel Agud inserted, this copy ...



136p original paperback fragile but well preserved for age, paper yellowing, cover delicate, ...



x 61p 508p A4 format, large book, brown card cover, excellent condition, as new


345p large paperback, well preserved, first edition


Materiales para una Historia de la Lengua Vasca en su Relacion con la Latina.

236p original paperback, many folding maps, well preserved copy, two pages torn with loss but not ...



x 219p hardback, blue cover, white lettering to front and spine, and excellent copy, like new



233p hardback, illustrated laminated cover, pink and grey spine and purple boards still shiny, ...


51p and 48 black and white plates, illustrated dustjacket intact but somewhat scruffy with a few ...


this is a large format stapled booklet relating to a show of his work at the Gallery Sala Nonell in ...



30p offprint, printed paper cover, library stamp, author referred to as Amadeo Liebeskind Rivinus ...



254p paperback in excellent condition, pages bright and fresh, as new



296p large format paperback, photographic illustration to cover, many illustrations and maps, some ...


xxiv 348p large format paperback, photographic illustration to cover, many illustrations in colour ...


606p very large and thick paperback, printed from typescript, many tables and plates, very well ...


large format, 510p blue cloth bright, cloth spine detached but present, light library markings, ...


346p large format original paperback, cover a little dusty, faint library stamp, first edition, ...



43p offprint, light blue paper cover, many folding tables, one supplied seperately with apology, ...


197p laminated hardback, green boards, very good, as new


154p laminated hardback, green boards, very good, as new


53p large format paperback, with dustjacket, many folding tables, excellent condition



204p black cloth, clean dustjacket, pages clean throughout, fine copy, as new


219p very well preserved paperback, first printing (?), largely un-cut


314p coloured paperback red and green with laminated cover, pages clean with bibliography and ...


78p brown paperback, bi-lingual edition in French and Catalan, well preserved, as new


314p large paperback with brown illustrated cover, excellent fresh copy, as new



204p green hardback, as new, stamp to top edge


95p very large format paperback, blue illustrated card cover firm and clean, Spanish language


240p very attractive large paperback, richly illustrated, excellent copy


Carnaval en Alava. Portada e ilustraciones de Nestor Basterrechea.

141p paperback, a slittle worn, from a Cambridge college library, front endpaper missing, text clean


La Gitanilla.

78p slim paperback, a little aged


164p large format, rebound in plain grey cloth, from a Cambridge college library with bookplate to ...


99p slim paperback red and white, from a Cambridge college library with shelfmark to spine, text ...


133p white/red paperback, from a Cambridge college library with shelfmark to spine, text clean, ...



72p white/green paperback, from a Cambridge college library with shelfmark to spine, text clean, ...



xxviii 288p white/green paperback, from a Cambridge college library with shelfmark to spine, text ...


100p slim paperback, from a Cambridge college library with shelfmark to spine, text clean, binding ...


143p white paperback, from a Cambridge college library with shelfmark to spine, text clean, binding ...


120p slim paperback, from a Cambridge college library with shelfmark to spine, text clean, binding ...


The Dream of Philip II.


312p hardback, frontispiece, aged dustjacket present, very good, first edition


205p very large format hardback, burgundy boards with gilt ornaments, illustrated throughout, also ...



45p offprint, very good, inserted a related item by the same author


128p small paperback, red illustrated cover, library stamp and old shelfmark to spine, never used, ...



185p paperback with illustrated cover, library stamp and old shelf-mark, this copy has never been ...


276p paperback with green design, very light library markings (stamp to endpaper), clean fresh ...


xl 338p paperback with green design, plate, very light library markings (stamp to endpaper), clean ...


106p paperback with green design, very light library markings (stamp to endpaper), clean fresh ...


xxxvi 191p paperback with green design, plate, very light library markings (stamp to endpaper), ...



165p paperback with green design, light library markings (stamp to endpaper), clean fresh copy, ...


xxiii 256p paperback with green design, plate, very light library markings (stamp to endpaper), ...


very large format, mock leather hardback with dustjacket, in slipcase, signed and numbered copy, ...


very large format, hardback with dustjacket, signed and numbered copy, very good



116p paperback, light library markings, well preserved, uncommon title


120p paperback, light library markings, facsimile plates, well preserved, uncommon title


xvi 525p small format, brown cloth with large "L" decoration to front, fresh clean tight copy of ...


39p plus 48 plates, hardback with jacket, very good


276p 206p red cloth with gilt lettering, front endpaper detached, text clean, binding holding well, ...


144p large format hardback with dustjacket, nice clean copy


pp 389 - 777, large paperback with illustrated cover, pages clean, hardly used, b&w illustrations, ...


157p period rebound in cloth, firm binding, from a Cambridge college library, shelfmark traces, ...


398p full calf, some library markings, paper yellowing, paper fragile, first edition, with ...


302p rebound in full tree calf, nice binding, from a Cambridge college library, shelfmark traces, ...



227p hardback, rebound in plain cloth, nice clean copy, uncommon title, from Revue Hispanique


full tree calf, from a Cambridge college library, remains of shelfmarks, text clean, paper ...



375p paperback, very good fresh and clean copy


14p offprint, nice clean copy, very good


20p offprint, card cover, author note, very good, single sheet white on black photostat of Arch ...


12p offprint, grey card cover, stapled, author wishes, very good



20p offprint, compliments slip, yellow paper cover, very good



5 offprints on Siglo 18 Venezolano, Doctor Vicente Lecuna, Rafael Maria Baralt, Padre Jaime Suria, ...


12p orbituary, stapled, blue card cover, author inscription ("sadly")



25p offprint, stapled, author note: La poesia de Gongora



35p stapled offprint, illustrated cover, a little worn, very good with author note



25p offprint, well preserved, important study


25p offprint, brown card cover, very good



8 offprints, most signed by the author, mostly on Calderon, one additional in duplicate, well ...


470p large format paperback with wrapper, excellent clean copy, very good, as new


503, 545p, dark blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, gilt portrait to front board, decorative ...


2256p green boards with gilt lettering, excellent fresh copy, nice and clean, preserved in original ...


30p wrappers, stapled, plates, cover a little dusty, first edition



445p thick paperback, very well preserved fresh and clean copy, never used, this copy published 1983


No Author


104p slim paperback, a nice clean copy, as new, bi-lingual edition



67p 65p paperback with wrapper, very well preserved, nice clean copy, as new


274p paperback with grey cover, text clean, nice fresh copy, third edition


xliv 266p original paperback, first edition, patly un-cut copy, names to endpaper, very well ...


li 233p original paperback, very well printed, nice paper, first edition, entirely un-cut copy, ...


216p small paperback, white cover with blue frame, editor inscription to Paul, nice clean copy, as ...


382p thick paperback, very good fresh clean copy


Los Pechos Privilegiados. Ganar Amigos. Ed. Agustin Millares Carlo.

xx 231p paperback, excellent fresh copy, clean and un-used


El Niño de la Bola.

195p green paperback, very good, a useful and clean copy


Realidad. Edicion de Ricardo Gullon.

274p green and white paperback, useful clean and fresh copy


125p small format yellow cover, paperback, nice clean copy, misprints "Cophyright" on initial page


655p thick paperback, useful clean and fresh copy



195p green paperback, a little dog-earing, useful clean copy


El Postrer Duelo de España.

218p hardback, dustjacket, excellent condition, very good indeed, Edited by Guy Rossetti.


El Thesoro de Varias Poesias Espirituales. Ed. Joseph Chorpenning.

xxxiii 92p orange paperback, from typescript, nice clean copy, with facsimile illustration, scarce ...


Estudis Escènics. Quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre de la Diputacio de Barcelona. Number 22, Marc 1983.
(No Author)


125p paperback, black cover folding interestingly backwards and forwards, nice copy, well ...


Antoloxia. Introd Ruben Valdes Miyares, Trad Alfonso Velazquez.


68p slim booklet, well produced, very good indeed, as new, text in English and Spanish


195p grey paperback with wrapper, text clean and binding tight, "qunita edicion", very nice copy


Las Mocedades del Cid. Ed. L Dubois.

211p hardback with red cover, nice fresh copy, a few faint pencil marks, very well preserved, ...


280p hardback, green boards, nice fresh and tight copy, hardly used


xxxvi (?) 96p small format paperback, facsimile reprint of edition of 1755, very good


226p small paperback, nice clean copy, very good indeed


206p period paperback, brown illustrated cover, nice clean copy, very good, first edition


144p original paperback, purple cover wrapper very good, binding clean and tight, nice clean copy, ...



144p original paperback, grey cover wrapper very good, binding clean and tight, nice clean copy, ...


328p, thick paperback with pink card cover, fresh clean and un-used copy, very good


127p small paperback, orange cover, nice clean copy with plates


El Villano en su Rincon. Las Bizarrias de Belisa. Ed. Alonso Zamora Vicente. Segunda Ed.


cxxiii 238p original paperback, binding clean and tight, nice clean copy, very good


x 600p thick hardback, worn and aged dustjacket present, text clean and fresh for age


195p printed in 2 columns, paper yellowing, frontispiece, re-bound in plain cloth, minor library ...


317p large paperback, yellow card cover, nice fresh and clean copy


128p large paperback, many illustrations, a few in colour, nice clean copy


139p slim paperback with illustrated cover, nice clean copy: Lezcano, de Vega, Arozarena, Bermejo, ...


El Bebedor de Bourbon.


196p paperback with wrapper, illustrated cover, nice clean and tight copy, without name, hardly any ...


Hoy es Fiesta. Edited by J E Lyon.

192p blue hardback, frontispiece and plates, text in Spanish with introduction in English and ...


45p slim booklet, illustrated cover, very good: una narracion situada en Kensington Gardens


Cinco Horas con Mario. Edited by Leo Hickey.


xli 382p purple paperback, text in Spanish with introduction in English and vocabulary in the back, ...


Duelo en el Paraíso.


282p hardback with worn and torn dustjacket, text clean, a few pencil marks, still very good


333p paperback, nice clean copy, Spanish language


266p terracotta boards with blue lettering, nice clean copy, a few plates, text in Spanish with ...


O Cardeal Cerejeira e o tempo presente. Antologia.

190p large paperback, light markings from a Cambridge University college library, hurt where ...


La Celestina. Ed. Julio Cejador y Frauca.

xxxix 261p 237p 2 volumes paperback, tight ands clean, uncut, never used


20p sewn booklet, grey card cover, very good


1479p small format, full calf, gilt lettering to spine, frontispiece, printed on very fine paper, ...


A Los Cien Anos de la Muerte del Poeta Gustavo Adolfo Becquer. (= Special Issue of Quaderni Ibero-Americani, No 39-40)

approx 120p large paperback, adverts, nice clean copy with related newspaper cutting inserted, very ...



279p original period paperback, cover a bit browned, paper a bit yellowing, inner hinge a bit soft, ...


Minoria Etnico-Religiosas de la Edad Media Espanola. Volume 2: Los Mudejares. Tomo 1.

317p thick paperback, signed by the author, foxing to cover, but binding firm and text clean, very ...



99p slim paperback with original cover, nice clean copy, un-used and fresh, with illustrations


approx 250p large format paperback with red card cover, white jacket present, paper clean, with ...



188p xix large format paperback with red card cover, white jacket present, paper clean, with ...


311p black paperback, frontispiece, nice fresh copy, inscribed by the author


Mariana Pineda. La Zapatera Prodigiosa. Bodas de Sangre.

238p paperback, slightly worn copy, binding tight, 2nd printing, a somewhat used copy with small ...


138p copy from a Cambridge college library, paperback, slightly worn, useful and mostly clean


8 Volumes in original paperback, important (?) but illegible inscription to each volume, very well ...


Diccionario de la Lengua Española. Vigesima Edición.

xxv 1416p bound in 2 vols, hardback with red and black title label, pages clean and unmarked, ...


xii 276p original brown cloth with red lettering, front endpaper removed, Leyton College arms in ...



xxii 116p light boards, nice clean copy, very good



cxii 322p hardback with fresh dustjacket, excellent fresh and clean copy, as new, edited by Robert ...



71p hardback with dustjacket, nice fresh and bright copy, excellent condition, jacket price-clipped


xxi 131p hardback with fresh dustjacket, portrait frontispiece, excellent fresh and clean copy, ...



146p hardback with dustjacket, excellent fresh and clean copy, as new



146p hardback with dustjacket, excellent fresh and clean copy



xiv 257p hardback, nice clean un-used copy with letter stamp to title, small dent to top board, ...


Poema de Mio Cid.


xcviii 184p hardback, dustjacket (fresh) frontispiece, nice fresh copy, first edition, related ...


113p xix large format paperback with red card cover, paper clean, with illustrations, printed on ...


96p 107p large format paperback with red card cover, paper clean, with illustrations, partly ...



241p large format paperback with red card cover, paper yellowing, with plates, some in colour, a ...



large format, newspaper style journal, folded twice, essays by Guillem, Duran, Cortazar, Llorens, ...


139p paperback, nice clean copy, many essays about his work



100p large format, stapled, corner worn, text clean, with adverts, period piece


304p paperback with white cover with blue lettering, clean and fresh copy, first edition, small ...


Don Quixote: A Commentary.

84p hardback with cloth spine, numbered copy, very good


(No Author)


140p slim booklet, light blue card cover, fresh clean copy, very good



144p green cloth with gilt lettering, nice fresh copy, a few pencil marks, very good



xcviii 184p hardback, dustjacket (tear, crease) frontispiece, nice fresh copy, first edition, minor ...



2 vols, hardback, nice fresh set, dustjacket (fragmentary) present


xliii 168p large paperback, green / white cover, very good with author inscription


142p paperback, nice clean copy, largely uncut, attractive copy


Papeles de Son Armadans. Vol 49, Number 175, Octubre 1970.

120p single issue of journal, section in back printed on blue paper, nice copy



120p worn paperback, heavily annotated in pencil, poor reading copy only


Spanish Ballads.


220p paperback, black and white cover, good condition, light wear commensurate with age, binding ...


Minor Dramatists of Seventeenth-Century Spain.

xii 160p green cloth, gilt lettering to spine, some pencil marking to a few pages, still a very ...


Bibliografia Razonada y Anotada de las Obras Maestras de la Picaresca Española.

613p thick paperback with white and red illustrated cover, clean copy, a few notes or corrections ...


Fray Luis de León y Cervantes.

87p paperback, clean copy, cover a little dusty


Juan Goytisolo.

155p hardback with dustjacket, clean fresh copy, never used


El Mundo Novelesco de Miguel Delibes.


158p paperback with wrapper, nice clean copy, well preserved, a clean and tight copy



96p thin paperback with wrapper, some pencil underlining and a few faint marginal pencil notes, ...


656p large format paperback, fresh clean copy, well preserved, frontispiece, additional ...


Cascos de Cristal.


215p original paperback, front cover marginally soiled, partly un-cut, author inscription to ...


El Asesino de la Muñeca.


216p original paperback with mauve illustrated wrapper, edges a bit dusty, largely un-cut, text ...


175p fresh purple paperback, text clean and binding tight, excellent copy


175p purple paperback with jacket, text clean and binding tight, paper yellowing


246p grey paperback with fresh jacket, text clean and binding tight, "segunda edicion"


331p grey paperback, nice fresh copy, = vol 29 in the Austral series


El Cerco de Numancia. El Gallardo Español.

149p paperback with grey jacket, a nice fresh copy, first edition in the series



152p blue paperback, "septima edicion", nice fresh copy



222p blue paperback with jacket, "cuarta edicion", nice fresh copy, fresh jacket



217p blue paperback with jacket, "quinta edicion", nice fresh copy, a few light marks in ink to a ...


Diego de San Pedro. Obras. Ed. Samuel Gili y Gaya.

xxxvii 249p paperback, well preserved, a few faint pencil marks, nice copy, well printed


Libro de buen amor.


2 volumes tan paperback, nice fresh set, largely un-cut set, never read, complete, Septima Edicion, ...


Libro de buen amor.


two paperback volumes light blue paperback, nice fresh set, perfect condition, complete, edited by ...


246p large paperback, brown card cover, Festschrift and special issue of Bulletin of Hispanic ...



402p hardback with dustjacket, excellent copy


71p slim paperback with original card cover, very well preserved, fresh and clean copy, first ...


275p hardback with fresh dustjacket, plates, list of subscribers, excellent copy, fresh and as new


36p offprint, plate of title page, nice copy, partly un-cut



30p stapled offprint with grey card cover, author inscription, nice copy


98p large format paperback, card cover, editor inscription, well preserved copy, spine a little worn



46p stapled offprint, authorial greetings, nice copy




256p paperback, useful clean copy


An Anthology of Quevedo's Poetry.

x 137p paperback, terracotta cover, good condition, minimal wear to covers and spine, a few page ...


Guia de Forasteros para Uso de Hispanistas en Gira por Tierras Castellano - Leonesas.


28p small format, ivory card cover, issued for the IV Congreso de la Asociacion Internacional de ...


Spaniens Niedergang während der Preisrevolution des 16. Jahrhunderts.

199p original paperback with plain paper cover without lettering, spine a bit aged, text clean, a ...



222p brown paperback, "compliments of editor" inserted, used with pencil notes, sometimes intense, ...


179p paperback with brown card cover, nice fresh copy


2 volumes in original paper cover, rough-cut edges, vol 2 largely un-cut, nice original set, one ...


Bibliografia Madrilena.

Volume 1: xlviii 434p; Volume 2: 558p, large format, burgundy cloth with decorative morocco spine, ...


Estampas Vascas. Illustraciones de F Kaperotxipi.

171p paperback with brown lettering and ornaments to cover, frontispiece, nice fresh copy with old ...


143p boards covered with marbled paper, calf spine with small "Mendoza" label, leather a bit dry ...


xxxix 263p 237p 2 vols paperback, clean set


Poesías. Edición prólogo y notas de Pedro Salinas.

liv 175p paperback with paper cover, cover slightly creased, fresh clean copy, inscription dated ...



234p single issue of journal, tall format, yellow card cover, fresh and clean, approx 100 pages ...


180p single issue of journal, tall format, yellow card cover, fresh and clean


191p black illustrated paperback, this copy from a Cambridge college library with only minimal ...


274p paperback with cherise cover, from a Cambridge college library, jacket present, very little ...



89p stiff paperback, with illustrations, minor library markings, a clean and tight copy, ISBN ...



288p white paperback with green lettering, nice clean copy



219p special Orwell number, articles by Sotelo, Aranguren et al, cream card cover well preserved, ...



165p large paperback with ivory card covers, a few illustrations, hardly used, results inserted, ...



142p large paperback with ivory card covers, a few illustrations, hardly used, results inserted, ...


240p paperback with red card cover, nice clean copy, contains many other plays- curious use of the ...


254p large format hardback with dustjacket, many plates, mostly in colour, ISBN in Book is ...


approx 60p, very large format paperback, some foldouts, text in Portugese, French, English and ...


59p slim paperback booklet, slightly aged, well preserved


xxxix 147p terracotta paperback, nice fresh copy



approx 50 issues, some in double numbers, nice clean copies, as issued, with many illustrations and ...


Mangas y Capirotes. (España en su laberinto teatral del XVII)

223p old library rebinding in plain red cloth still firm and tight, no imprint information on title ...


270p rebound in terracotta cloth, a clean and firm copy from a Cambridge college library with ...


288p printed from typescript (Thanks, Murdoch), hardback with white illustrated laminated boards, ...


En la Vida todo es Verdad y todo Mentira.

cxxxix 260p large paperback, very good copy



338p red cloth, 27 photographs, 3 maps, account of the 1911-1927 war between the people of Rif (a ...


Spanish Underground Drama.

169p first edition hardcover, blue cloth, red title panel to spine, well preserved copy, clean and ...


Historia de los Musulmanes de España hasta la Conquista de los Almoravides. Tomo 1 and 2.


365p, 327p two paperback volumes, small format, yellow card cover worn and faded but fully intact, ...



169p dark green cloth, gilt titles, boards firm, unobtrusive Library of Congress Surplus Duplicate ...


Antologia de Poetas Liricos Castellanos Parte 1: La Poesia en la Edad Media 5 Volume 5 only.

403p, cream card cover a little sunned, black and red titles, minor wear to edges, condition ...


Catalogue of the Maccoll Collection and other Spanish Books.

189p small hardcover first edition, grey card cover, green cloth spine, gilt titles to spine, ...


Las ferias de Madrid y La Vitoria de la Honra. Edición y notas de Alva V. Ebersole.


206p paperback, label remnant to endpaper, otherwise clean and unmarked, very good


592p blue cloth, neat library label to endpaper, stamps to back of title page, last page and bottom ...


279p cream paperback, card cover with black and red titles, border and illustration to front cover, ...


314p large paperback with blue illustrated cover, excellent fresh copy, as new


lxii 421p paper covers, engraved vignettes throughout, reproduction of a letter from the Poet, ...


111p paperback facsimile with introduction, a few small library stamps, otherwise very good ...


Filosofía actual y Existencialismo en España.


376p library re-bound in firm black cloth, excellent binding, a few small ink stamps, still an ...


555p burgundy cloth with bright gilt lettering, discreet library labels, very good+


600p burgundy cloth, large format, a few discreet library marks, very good condition, Patronato del ...



164p large paperback, papers by Alvar, Egido, de la Concha, Mainer, Rozas, Senabre, Yndurain, nice ...



140p large paperback, papers by Chiappelli, Egido, Hierro, Jammes, Jauralde Pou, Seco Serrano, ...



175p large paperback, many illustrations, also in colour, many tables with data, this copy slightly ...


522p original yellow paperback (small loss to back cover), author inscription, fresh nice copy


498p large brown paperback with illustrated cover, excellent copy, never used


A Reforma da Legislacao das Caixas Economica em Portugal.


88p pamphlet with white card cover, as new


540p large format hardback with green dustjacket, clean copy, many tables and photographic ...



280p large paperback, fresh and clean


608p large paperback, illustrated cover, many tables and charts, excellent volume, hardly used, ...
