Books on Politics

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168p blue hardback, fresh copy, name to title, very good, no traces of use, third edition



150p blue paperback, with map and tables, fresh clean copy, no names or stamps


Capitalism, Communism and Coexistence: From the Bitter Past to a Better Prospect.

xii 225p hardback, dustjacket with blue lettering, author inscription in a large hand, note in the ...


Improving Life at Work: Advancing Women in the Workplace. Good Practice Guide.

75p A4 format, colour illustrations, nice clean copy, government publication with ministerial ...


Public Policy, the Private Sector and the Professions. O'Sullivan Lecture.

16p ivory booklet, large format, with portrait, very good


Minoranze negli Imperi. Popoli fra Identità Nazionale e Ideologia Imperiale.

470p large paperback with purple cover wrapper, nice clean copy, no names or stamps, as new: Impero ...


Rural Russia under the New Regime.


ix 351p hardback, white dustjacket with green lettering, tight and clean copy, no names or stamps, ...


Are We the World? Randstad Holland, Sao Paulo, Istanbul, and Rotterdam.

263p large hardback, neon orange card covers, like new condition, no significant wear, pages clean ...


Industria e Carattere. Saggi sul Pensiero di Alfred Marshall.

216p paperback, attractive illustrated cover, red spine and flaps, little to no wear, tight ...


L'Uomo dello Schermo. De Gaulle e i Media.

357p paperback, glossy green and white cover, like new, no noticeable wear, spine not bent, binding ...


Scheitert die Schweiz? Eine Szenische Befragung von Georg Kohler.

196p paperback in like new condition, smooth beige cover with mountain image, tight binding, many ...


Pensieri Vari.

48p sewn paperback, tanned orange cover, a little wear to edges, binding intact, light pencil marks ...


Propositi e Speranze (1925 - 1942). Scritti Vari.

65p sewn paperback, tanned orange cover, a little scruffy around the edges, binding firm, pages ...


Per la Storia del Comunismo in quanto Realtà Politica. In Appendice la "Terza Via".

36psewn paperback, tanned orange cover, a little wear to cover edges, binding firm if a little ...


The Mass Psychology of Fascism.

xxxi 400p paperback, sunned white and brown covers, minimal wear, pages clear and bright, light ...


Dialogue sur les Quotas. Penser la Représentation dans une Démocratie Multiculturelle.

374p small sturdy paperback, beige cover with black spine, like new condition, no noticeable wear, ...


Die Opfer sind schuld, Machtmißbrauch in Pakistan. Eine Dokumentation

250p paperback, many illustrations, fresh and clean copy, no names or stamps, hard to find title


The Church - My England: Vistas of the Kingdom from Gilmorton, Leicestershire.

39p stapled booklet, white cover, with a piece by Powell on, yes, adultery


Joel Barlow: Revolutionist London, 1791 - 1792.

vi 99p original paperback, fresh copy, no names or stamps, with folding table, very good, first ...


The Tyranny of Shakespeare: Annual Shakespeare Lecture of the British Academy 1959.


20p offprint, grey card cover, author "best wishes", a few light marginal marks, very good


The Cambridge Union and Ireland, 1815 - 1914.


344p thick paperback, ivory cover with debating scene to front, a tight and clean and square copy, ...


DATA. Designers Against Tibetan Abuse

Paperback catalogue produced by DAHRA (Designers Against Human Rights Abuse) to accompany the 2009 ...


Towards a Theology of Gay Liberation.

viii 113p bright red and black paperback, tight clean copy, no names or stamps, excellent


Sex and Citizenship. Foreword by Canon Cockin.

215p blue cloth fresh, tight copy, no names or stamps, excellent copy, remarkable also for the name ...


Nonsense upon Stilts: Bentham, Burke, and Marx on the Rights of Man.


236p white paperback, fresh and square copy, name to prelims, excellent, first edition


Kings and Philosophers, 1689 - 1789.

xii 369p paperback, shiny greenish cover, firm binding, pages clean and neat, a little wear to ...


Management in Nationalised Industries.


27p stapled booklet, white cover, this copy shows signs of having served time in a library, but all ...


Solving Traffic Problems: Lessons from America; Plans for Britain. (PEP: Political and Economic Planning, Volume 22, No 402, No 404, 1956)
(No Author)


two slim offprint booklets with dark green cover, name to cover, very well preserved


Understanding South Africa. British-South African Policy Studies Trust, Policy Paper No. 1.

16p stapled essay booklet, plain white cover, free from stamps and marks, no wear, firm binding, a ...


Academies, Research Councils and Universities. Their Role in Modern Europe.

64p stapled booklet, white cover, fresh clean copy, no flaws, uncommon title


United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture. Section Report. Also: Final Acts.

two stapled booklets, 40p 30p with library stamps, well preserved, Cmd 6451 and Cmd 6461, nice set


Interim Index of Retail Prices. Method of Construction and Calculation.

35p stapled booklet, library stamps, very well preserved, revised edition


Capital Investment in the Coal, Electricity and Gas Industries.

8p stapled booklet each, library stamp, initials, well preserved, includes tables, Cmnd 132 and ...


Monopoly (Inquiry and Control) Bill.
(No Author)


14p stapled booklet, contains text of the bill and explanatory material, library stamps and ...


Public Social Services. (Total Expenditure under Certain Acts of Parliament)

21p stapled booklet, library stamp, initials, well preserved, includes tables, title continues: ...


The Taxation of Weekly Wage Earners.

16p stapled booklet, library stamp, initials, well preserved, Cmd 6348


Procedure Rules for the Secondary Branch, 1909. "Rules 50". Annotated Copy.

vii approx 120p black cloth with gilt lettering to cover, "Strictly Confidential" contains 310 ...


Procedure Rules for the Secondary Branch, 1909. Rules 50.

vii approx 120p black cloth with gilt lettering to cover, "Strictly Confidential" contains 310 ...


The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution.


xix 364p paperback, a well preserved copy with reasonable pencil marks to a dozen pages


State Visit of President Nicolae Ceausescu to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, June 1978.
(No Author)


306p paperback, white cover with colour photographs, very good condition, light wear to cover edges ...


The High Commissioners. Australia's Representatives in the United Kingdom, 1910 - 2010.

vii 342p large sturdy hardback, very good condition, no significant wear, black cloth with navy ...


The Prose Works of John Milton. Volume 1: Eikonoklastes, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. .


x 174p dark blue cloth, spine gilt with floral design, text clean, binding firm, newspaper clipping ...


The Galley Slave's Ring, or The Family of Lebrenn. A Tale of the French Revolution of 1848.


223p burgundy cloth with gilt design (ring and chain) to front, part of the "Mysteries of the ...


On Liberty. Representative Government. The Subjection of Women. Three Essays

548p small hardback with blue dustjacket, minor wear to edges of jacket, front flap price-clipped, ...


Europa Union. Landesverband Baden Württemberg. Geschaftsbericht 1958.
(No Author)


16p stapled booklet, with inserts , also inserted: Europa einigt sich durch seine Bürger (Friedrich ...


Displaying 1 to 50 (of 5887 books)